SettingLiteracy ComponentTime Whole Group Area Interactive Read-Aloud/ Shared Reading 15 Minutes Small Group & Individual Work Small Group Teacher Table & Station Block 60 Minutes –Kinder & 1 st 50 Minutes – 2 nd & 3 rd Whole Group AreaWord Work/ Phonics15 Minutes Whole Group AreaInteractive/ Shared Writing 15 Minutes –Kinder & 1 st 10 Minutes -2 nd & 3 rd Independent WorkWriting 15 Minutes –Kinder & 1 st 30 Minutes -2 nd & 3 rd Total Minutes: 120 Minutes Can modify times and days Kinder & 1 st = 3 20 min 2 nd & 3 rd = 2 25 min Sample Schedule
Components of a Small Group Lesson Re-Reading of Previously Read Books Teacher takes a running record. -Kinder & 1 st - 2 nd & 3 rd Book Introduction Plan and write the introduction of the new text. - Kinder & 1 st - 2 nd & 3 rd Reading New Text All students will whisper read the entire text. Teacher will listen in on individual students & interact with students - Kinder & 1 st - 2 nd & 3 rd Discussing & Revisiting the Text Teacher and student should participate in a brief, meaningful conversation about text. - Kinder & 1 st - 2 nd & 3 rd Teaching for Strategic Processing Teacher will provide explicit teaching points (1 to 2) based upon observation of student’s reading behaviors during reading. - Kinder & 1 st - 2 nd & 3 rd Word Work The goal of word work is to develop fast, fluent recognition of letters and words or the ability to take words apart with ease while reading continuous text. - Kinder & 1 st - 2 nd & 3 rd
ELA ComponentsDaily 5First 21 Days Phonemic Awareness Word WorkWord Study Station Phonics Vocabulary Read to Self Read to Someone Listen to Reading Reading Station Listening Station Fluency Comprehension Writing Writing Station Other Stations: Computer Recipe Reading Content Support paired with Literacy