Notes pages 19 – 23
More than 180 countries in the world. Common to recognize countries through membership in the UN. There are 193 UN members in 2014
Development measured in a variety of ways, the two most common; 1-Indicators of SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: educational achievement, literacy rates, health care. 2-Indicators of ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: GDP, ratio of cars to people.
Countries with similar social and economic development are often grouped together. But how many groups? Too few groups and each member will be very different from the next. Too many groups and comparisons are complex and difficult.
Developed & Underdeveloped Developed & Developing North & South Confusion in defining economic and non-economic development. Allows (implies) the movement of countries from the developing to the developed category. Too many exceptions. (Australia, New Zealand)
First, Second, and Third World Developed, Newly Developed, and Developing First World – capitalist countries Second World – formerly or currently communist countries Third World – developing or south countries in the previous classification Adds a transitional stage for countries moving from agricultural economies to industrial economies.
First World Second World Third World Fourth World Fifth World Highest levels or social and economic development Are or were communist. High social but poorer economic development Advanced in transition to development. Social and economic development between First and Fourth Worlds Early stages of transition towards developed Little evidence of transition towards development.
Use the data on page 24 and the marking scheme on the following slides in order to create one of the following two graph types. Linear vs Linear Linear vs Logarithmic (Semi-Logarithmic)
A- Natural increase in population per 1000 people B- Infant mortality per 1000 births C- Literacy percentage D- Per capita GDP $US E- Percentage of GDP from agriculture F- Motor vehicles per 1000 people G- Per capita electricity use KWh H- Number of phone lines per 1000 people
Item Criteria Score Title printed neatly, underlined, and clearly reflects the topic /3 Legend quality of construction, accuracy of definition, and symbols /3 Reference source and author /2 Labeling axes units, and titles labeled /4 Construction use of colour, shading, and ruler /3 Accuracy Features graphed accurately and completely /5 Total /20 Analysis (answer on back of graph) Explain the relationship between the indicators you have chosen ? (/4) Identify those unusual points (outliers) which are present and explain their significance. (/6)