New Directors’ Training Title II-A 101 Teacher/Principal Quality Teresa A. Burgess Coordinator September 17, 2015
Early May SDE Action: SDE enters Preliminary USDE Allocations & opens CFSGA for districts to complete. June 30th District Action: District completes ALL program plans & submits CFSGA for SDE review & preliminary approval. SDE Action: Coordinators review CFSGA plans & budgets. If ANY program is Not Approved, SDE will publish comments & unlock CFSGA for District to revise. District Action: District revises & resubmits CFSGA for SDE Review Note: Only re-submit when ALL comments are addressed. October 1st SDE Action: SDE updates final USDE Allocations for Title I-A, II-A, & VI-B. SDE unlocks CFSGA for LEA to revise Title I- A, II-A, & VI-B. SDE Action: When ALL plans are approved, Federal Funds are uploaded to GRA & SDE sends Official Award Letter Ongoing District Action: If the District deviates from the approved plan, they must revise the CFSGA. Contact Elmira to unlock the plan. SDE Action: SDE will review plan f or approval. Idaho State Department of Education Consolidated Federal State Grant Application (CFSGA) Approval Process 1 2 3a 3b 4 5 6
Idaho Title II-A Allocation $10,867,107
Idaho Title II-A Allocation Continued
Consolidated Federal and State Grant Application (CFSGA) Online application to APPLY for federal and state funds Programs: Title I-A College & Career Ready Title I-C Migrant Education Title II-A Teacher & Principal Quality Title III Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient & Immigrant Students State Limited English Proficient Program Title VI-A 2 Funding Transferability Title VI-B Rural & Low-Income Schools Title X-C Homeless McKinney-Vento
Grant Reimbursement Application (GRA) Online application to REQUEST reimbursements for allowable costs An LEA has expended funds for allowable expenses An LEA submits a request for reimbursement through the GRA GRA requests are reviewed; returned or approved allowable and within three (3) months GRA requests are processed and payments are issued
Connection between CFSGA and GRA CFSGA All preliminary plans are approved GRA Preliminary Federal Funds are uploaded to the GRA CFSGA All final plans are approved GRA Final adjustments are uploaded to the GRA October June
Planning Process 3. Program Implementation 4. Evaluation of Results 2. Action Plan 1. Needs Assessment
Title II-A: Professional Development Plan Timeline –Jan-Mar – Needs assessment and develop Title II-A Plan for –Mar/Apr – Begin implementation of the plan for upcoming 12 months (arrange training dates/trainers/locations, communicating with staff, etc.) –Apr/May – Review status and action plan for summer/fall (finishing out plan or beginning plan) –May-June – Finalizing Consolidated Federal and State Grant Application (plan due June 30, 2016) –Oct/Nov – ISEE Reporting (reviewing report for accuracy) –Nov-Jan – Begin needs assessment (for )
Title II-A: Professional Development Plan Timeline Jan-Mar – Needs assessment and develop Title II-A Plan for
Citation SEC (c) NEEDS ASSESSMENT- (1) IN GENERAL- To be eligible to receive a subgrant under this subpart, a local educational agency shall conduct an assessment of local needs for professional development and hiring, as identified by the local educational agency and school staff.
Citation (2) REQUIREMENTS- Such needs assessment shall be conducted with the involvement of teachers, including teachers participating in programs under part A of title I, and shall take into account the activities that need to be conducted in order to give teachers the means, including subject-matter knowledge and teaching skills, and to give principals the instructional leadership skills to help teachers, to provide students with the opportunity to meet challenging State and local student academic achievement standards.
Needs Assessment – Based on Data which may include: –HQT/Credential Report from ISEE –Student Achievement Results –Teacher Attrition/Retirement Projections –Hard-to-fill Positions –Distribution of non-HQT or Inexperienced Teachers –Teacher Evaluation Data –Staff Development Surveys –Private School Participation (for calculating required amount)
Title II-A: Professional Development Plan Timeline Mar/Apr – Begin implementation of the plan for upcoming 12 months (arrange training dates/trainers/locations, communicating with staff, etc.)
High Quality Professional Development NCLB defines professional development in Title IX, Section 9101 (34). Professional development should be aligned with the districts goals that came from the needs assessment. It should be sustained and ongoing and focused on student achievement.
Objectives/Scientific Research – EXAMPLE Description: Total Instructional Alignment Training with emphasis on Common Core Standards and Understanding by Design Measurable Objective: Increase teachers ability to match lessons to standards by 5%. Increase students ability to explain purpose of lesson to standards by 5%. Have 100% of teachers able to explain key standards for the grade level below and the grade level above the current level of their students. Increase teachers use of local assessments matched to common core standards by 50%. Scientific Research: "Total Instructional Alignment" Lisa Carter 2007 "Total Instructional Alignment: Collaboration to Increase Student Achievement" Idaho State University 2010 “Understanding by Design” McTighe & Wiggins
Allowable Activities –Professional Development (On Site or Off Site) –Salaries/Stipends (Mentors, Instructional Coaches, Title II-A Program Director, Substitutes for Title II-A PD Coverage) –CFSGA Plan/Activities/Budget/Expenditures – all must align (Notes section of CFSGA is VERY important in checking the history of the plan approval and correspondence) –Class Size Reduction (Limited Use with Criteria) *Criteria on next slide ** iPads, laptops, computers, software = NOT allowable
1. Based upon a needs assessment, 2. Must reduce class size to 17 or fewer, 3. In grades k-3, 4. In classes taught by highly qualified teachers who adjust instructional strategies to fit reduced-class size, 5. For schools with at risk populations of students, 6. Where the effort is sustained for the cohort group for at least 2 years. Class Size Reduction ** NOTE: Information from USDE indicates that CSR will no longer be an option once reauthorization happens.
Program Monitoring and Documentation For Class Size Reduction
Title II-A: Professional Development Plan Timeline Apr/May – Review status and action plan for summer/fall (finishing out plan or beginning plan)
Alignment Needs Assessment Activities Budget Expenditures – MUST Align **If LEA’s plans change, change the plan (in CFSGA) This is done by contacting Elmira Feather at and asking her to “open your plan for modifications.” After LEA resubmission, the plan will be reviewed and approved. Title II-A Carryover is limited to no more than 25% of previous year’s allocation. Be VERY mindful of this!
Title II-A: Professional Development Plan Timeline May-June – Finalizing Consolidated Federal and State Grant Application (plan due June 30, 2016)
Title II-A: Professional Development Plan Timeline Oct/Nov – ISEE Reporting (reviewing report for accuracy)
Reporting/HQT/ISEE – If in doubt, ASK questions. Regional ISEE Regional Coordinators, Certification, and/or Title II-A Coordinator. * * Person reporting and uploading needs to understand HQT or be informed by someone who does.
Title II-A: Professional Development Plan Timeline Nov-Jan – Begin needs assessment (for )
Needs Assessment – Based on Data which may include: –HQT/Credential Report from ISEE –Student Achievement Results –Teacher Attrition/Retirement Projections –Hard-to-fill Positions –Distribution of non-HQT or Inexperienced Teachers –Teacher Evaluation Data –Staff Development Surveys –Private School Participation (for calculating required amount)
NEXT STEPS: Review HQT/Credential Report and cross- reference with personnel files Review CFSGA plan and modify (if necessary) Begin gathering data/planning for Needs Assessment Review indicators to verify program success
References SEC of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, available online: Highly Qualified Teachers: Title II Part A Non-Regulatory Guidance, available online:
Questions or Concerns? Please contact: Teresa A. Burgess Title II-A Coordinator