F AITH AND W ORKS : Harmony or Contradiction ?
Modern Brethren “It is a scandalous and outrageous lie to teach that salvation arises from human activity of any sort. We do not contribute one whit to our salvation.” – Rubel Shelly, Randall Harris: The Second Incarnation, pg.207
Modern Brethren “In the New Testament, it is the person of Jesus we are anxious to obey, not a code of law. And we see His will revealed not only His commands. They are really very few. But it is nature which is amply revealed by numerous narratives of His relationship with people and the Father.” –Lynn Anderson, Firm Foundation
Max Lucado “The Bible is a love letter as opposed to a blueprint. You don’t read a love letter the same way you read a blueprint…For me, for years, Christianity was a moral code. It is now becoming a love affair. For years there were rules and regulations, now it’s a relationship.”
Martin Luther “Faith alone, without works, justifies before God.” Rejected the book of James as inspired because of emphasis on “works.”
Griffin and Woods Debate “The scriptures teach that the alien sinner comes into possession of spiritual or eternal life, without any condition on his, the sinner’s, part.” –Affirm —G.E. Griffin –Deny —Guy N. Woods
Statements in Creeds “Wherefore, that we are justified by faith only is a most wholesome doctrine, and very full of comfort.” “Justification is solely through faith in Christ.”
Contradictory Teaching Romans 3:20 Romans 3:28 Romans 4:5 Romans 5:1 James 2:24-26 – Can these passages be reconciled? – Faith or works?
Scriptural Harmony Deuteronomy 8:3 Matthew 4:4 Psalm 119:160 2 Timothy 3:16,17 2 Peter 1:20,21 1 Corinthians 2:9-13 – All scriptures are from the same origin— God !
Contributing Factors The passages are not understood or read in their true contexts. The subject is approached with preconceived notions and beliefs.
Faith Is Necessary Romans 10:17 2 Corinthians 5:7 John 1:12 John 8:21-24 Mark 16:16 Acts 10:43 John 3:36 Hebrews 11:6 Divine Truth
Works “not” Necessary Matthew 23:3-5 Acts 7:41 Romans 3:27; Eph 2:9 Romans 4:2,4 Galatians 2:16 2 Timothy 1:9; Titus 3:5 John 8:44,45 –They lead to spiritual poverty!
Some Works Necessary John 8:39,40 John 8:47-51 James 2:21-23 Romans 4:12 Acts 10:35 2 Corinthians 5:10 Romans 8:2 Galatians 5:6 Matthew 7:21 Divine Truth
Faith and Works Interrelated Response to God’s will No qualities of the works to be avoided Works of obedience condemned? James 2:17,18
Works and Merit Romans 4 and James 2 –Grace is the basis of man’s relationship with God God acted God forgave God gave the terms of pardon
Romans 4 Judaizers emphasized being Abraham’s descendants. Abraham came into God’s service from heathenism. He was justified before circumcision. Works possess merit if it be God’s will.
Divine/Human Relations Abraham was reckoned righteous. Flawless law keeping? Salvation is not a debt God owes to man. Grace is necessary. Forgiveness of debt needed to justify man from sin.
Obedient Faith Faith is the basis on which God determines righteousness. –Romans 4:5 –Romans 5:6-8 Faith that acts in obedience to God. Paul did not promote “dead faith and no works.”
James 2 Proper sense of works having some merit in salvation too! –Hebrews 11 –James 1:22 –Philippians 2:12 –Titus 2:11,12 –Matthew 7:21-23 –Ephesians 2:10
Concluding Thoughts Saved by grace, faith, and works Understanding biblically and consistently… Perfect Harmony –Romans 4 –James 2