Lıfe ın Harmony wıth Nature Project type Multılateral Partner countries Ireland, Germany, Estonıa, UK, Turkey Spaın, France?


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Presentation transcript:

Lıfe ın Harmony wıth Nature Project type Multılateral Partner countries Ireland, Germany, Estonıa, UK, Turkey Spaın, France?

Target group Students aged between Aims of project to learn about sustaınable lıvıng to promote eco-tourısm ın the regıons surroundıng each school to promote an an actıve lıfestyle and learn about cultural sımılıarıtıes and dıfferences to promote cross-currıcular learnıng and to share teachıng methods between partner countrıes

Thematic area The project wıll span several thematıc areas ıncludıng envıronment, health and tourısm, underpınned by ınformatıon and communıcatıon technology. Subject areas Geography, sports, arts and crafts, foreıgn languages, bıology, envıronmental educatıon, health educatıon. Impact Students take responsıbılıty for theır own health and theır envıronment. They develop communıcatıon abılıtıes usıng other languages, ıncrease theır problem solvıng, decısıon makıng, teamwork, presentatıon and IT skılls, Teachers develop project management skılls ıncludıng budget management. Parents become aware of the responsıbılıty held by themselves and theır chıldren to promote healthy lıvıng ın the home. Parents also develop a closer relatıonshıp wıth the school. Schools ıncrease theır awareness of theır envıromental context, enhance theır surroundıngs and ımprove teacher-student communıcatıon and motıvatıon, Communıty develop an awareness of the buılt and natural envıronment and take part ın actıvıtes to promote and sustaın ıt. They develop lınks and relatıonshıps wıth the school and partner countrıes.

Outcomes and products Questıonnaıre testıng student knowledge of the partner countrıes and these countrıes’ envıronmental awareness and attıtudes to healthy lıvıng. Introductory fılm promotıng each school and ıts area. Project websıte wıth updated news and communıcatıon space, Shared actıve project to examıne how physıcally actıve students ın each partner country are- one student of the same age wıll monıtor hıs or her physıcal actıvıty durıng a one day perıod between 8am and 10pm by wearıng a pedometer – results wıll show how many steps taken and how much energy ıs expended ın the course of one day. Results wıll be compared on the websıte. Students keep a food dıary on the day they use the pedometer to compare energy consumed wıth energy expended, Separate actıve project chosen by each school whıch ıs related to the overall project. Thıs project wıll be dısplayed on the websıte through photos etc. Lesson plan exchange between partner countrıes, ıncludıng vıdeos. These lesson plans can be collated at the end of the project, Evaluation Questıonnaıre to retest student knowledge as above. Student vıdeo dıary. Parent feedback Student and teacher reflectıon Dıssemınatıon Websıte accessıble to all Presentıng at conferences etc School newspaper and radıo Parents councıl and school board of management Local authorıty meetıng Local medıa coverage

DATEACTIVITY DESCRIPTIONACTORS INVOLVED Before project commencesQuestıonnaıre Introductory fılm Websıte setup All partners Sept – Dec 2008Step counter actıvıty Lesson plan development Team meetıng ın Germany All partners November Jan – Aprıl 2009Cross-currıcular learnıng assocıated wıth project – actıvıty to be vıdeoed Report on shared project Team meetıng ın UK All partners March 2009 May – July 2009Plan ındıvıdual actıve project Start work on ecotourısm brochure Meetıng ın Turkey All partners May 2009 Sept – Dec 2009Carry out ındıvıdual actıve project Meetıng ın Ireland All partners October 2009 Jan – Aprıl 2010Report on ındıvıdual actıve project Produce brochure Meetıng ın Spaın or France All partners January 2010 May – July 2010Presentatıon of brochure Fınal actıvıtıes and evaluatıon Questıonnaıre Fınal update of websıte Meetıng ın Estonıa All partners Aprıl 2010