What is the relationship between place and literature? Essential Question: What is the relationship between place and literature?
The Native Americans knew the land well and were accustomed to living on it. They loved nature and appreciated the land. The Native Americans were at one with their place. They recognized the life-giving properties of the land, and also acknowledge and respected its power.
Native Americans celebrated nature in myths, rituals and songs Native Americans celebrated nature in myths, rituals and songs. They honored nature as a source of life
Native American attitudes toward nature show up in the literature. Myths and legends reveal the connection between people and nature. People and Nature exist in harmony in Native American literature.
ORIGIN MYTH A traditional story that explains how life began. A myth might also explain how a feature of the world was formed or a specific social custom begun.
The Oral Tradition Myths were shared by generations of storytellers before being written down.
Archetypes Patterns, symbols, or character types that repeat across cultures
Can you think of any archetypes you have come across in literature?