Memory and Migration (Brussels) 2010 – 2011, Social Art Network Grundtvig workshop, Iasi, Romania, 25th May-1st June 2012
Mission AMVB The Archives and Museum for the Flemish life in Brussels acquires, holds, preserves and makes accessible the records of Dutch speaking organisations, individuals and families in Brussels.
Process of project Challenges
Collection orientated Archiving The institution never changes Archival temple / archeon Reading room public Retroactive Intra muros Audience orientated Archi- vita - lisation Dynamic institution Forum for social discussion New target groups Active Extra muros
Participatory Archive idea STAGE 5Individuals engage with each other sociallyWE STAGE 4Individuals interactions are networked for social use STAGE 3Individual interactions are networked in aggregate STAGE 2Individual interacts with content STAGE 1Individual consumes contentME
Process of project Challenges Questions
Main questions How can AMVB reconnect with the public and demonstrate their value and relevance in contemporary life ? How to invite people to actively engage as cultural participants, not passive consumers ?
Process of project Challenges Questions Context
Unique Position Points Brainstorm: what makes us unique ? Results: –Brussels Diversity –Interculturality Actual debate –Heritage Convention Faro, 2005
Context (1) Brussels Belgian – Different origin at Brussels (2001) Belgians Foreigners TOTAL Belgians from origin Belgian with another origin (naturalisation) TOTAL
Context (2) Interculturality Interculturality refers to the fact that different cultures mutually influence each other simultaneously. The different cultures are in constant evolution. Intercultural dialog refers to the process of social attitudes and structures which takes into account the differences between people, so that all citizens are able to to participate in society
Context (3) Convention of Faro 2005 A heritage community consists of people who value specific aspects of cultural heritage which they wish, within the framework of public action, to sustain and transmit to future generations. Emphasising the value and potential of cultural heritage wisely used as a resource for sustainable development and quality of life in a constantly evolving society
Process of project Challenges Questions Context Goal
Main goal Exposing personal heritage Involving individuals with a diverse ethnic background and luggage Through intercultural dialogue in which Dutch is the communication language between participants MEMORY AND MIGRATION
Process of project Challenges Questions Context GoalFinancial support
Flemish Government Brussels Government
Process of project Challenges Questions Context Goal Methodology Financial support
Methodology (1) CO-ORGANISATION- The idea and concept are made by equal partners - Partners do their own thing COLLABORATION- The idea is developed by the organisation - The concept is made with others - Staff members together with participants make it happen (consultants, co-employees) CONTRIBUTION- The idea is developed by the organisation - The concept is made by the organisation - The organisation requests for content (necessary, additional, educational) HOSTING- The institution is the host for another organisation. - Control if the actions fits with the mission of the own organisation.
Methodology (2) Recruitment of collaborators –Students Dutch language courses Institutional stakeholders group –Language schools –Arthis (Belgian Romanian Hous of Culture) –Bel’afrika –Union of Turkish Organistions Workshop –General introduction into topic archives / heritage –Discussion on how to define heritage and archives Home work –Every collaborator looks for objects which have an historical meaning for themselves Interpretation of an artist
Process of project Challenges Questions Context Goal Methodology Results Financial support
Collaborators Claudiana (Haiti) Corinne (South Korea) Diep (Vietnam) Doina (Romania) Heather (Australia) José (Spain) Marc (Guyana) Mijean (Congo) Gnibou (Burkina Faso) Razia (Mozambique) Marc (Belgium) Shilimeza (South Africa) Susanna (Finland) Ovsanna (Armenia) Marysia (Poland) Said (Morocco)
Process of project Challenges Questions Context Goal Methodology Results Evaluation Financial support
Evaluation (1) 16 collaborators 400 visitors Publication Media attention Low budget: euro New projects: –Internal migration in Belgium to Brussels –Course heritage care for ‘self’ organisations A SUCCESS ?
Evaluation (2) Some remarks STAGE 5Individuals engage with each other sociallyWE STAGE 4Individuals interactions are networked for social use STAGE 3Individual interactions are networked in aggregate STAGE 2Individual interacts with content STAGE 1Individual consumes contentME
Evaluation (2) Some remarks STAGE 5Individuals engage with each other sociallyWE STAGE 4Individuals interactions are networked for social use STAGE 3Individual interactions are networked in aggregate STAGE 2Individual interacts with content STAGE 1Individual consumes contentME
Evaluation (3) Some remarks CO-ORGANISATION- The idea and concept are made by equal partners - Partners do their own thing COLLABORATION- The idea is developed by the organisation - The concept is made with others - Staff members together with participants make it happen (consultants, co-employees) CONTRIBUTION- The idea is developed by the organisation - The concept is made by the organisation - The organisation requests for content (necessary, additional, educational) HOSTING- The institution is the host for another organisation. - Control if the actions fits with the mission of the own organisation.
Evaluation (3) Some remarks CO-ORGANISATION- The idea and concept are made by equal partners - Partners do their own thing COLLABORATION- The idea is developed by the organisation - The concept is made with others - Staff members together with participants make it happen (consultants, co-employees) CONTRIBUTION- The idea is developed by the organisation - The concept is made by the organisation - The organisation requests for content (necessary, additional, educational) HOSTING- The institution is the host for another organisation. - Control if the actions fits with the mission of the own organisation.
Evaluation (4) Some remarks Project: limited in time ( ) No structural integration into daily work Risk to lose network Integrated into new policy period
Process of project Challenges Questions Context Goal Methodology Results Evaluation Financial support Policy period
This material was made in the "Social Art Network" workshop, financed by the European Commission through LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME GRUNDTVIG. This material reflects the views only of the Centrul de Resurse si Consultanta in Educatie (Centre of Resources and Consultancy in Education) and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.