By; Brittany, Greg and Zach
Life Cycle
Eggs & Eyed Eggs Eyed eggs are fertilized eggs, they are the ones that will hatch
Alevin Alevin is the second stages of a salmons life, at this stage salmon stay low to the ground and get food from sacks on their stomachs called nutrients sacks.
Fry This is the next stage, the fry. At this stage they start to eat actual food, and get more active (swim around more).
Parr The next stage of a salmon is the parr stage, this is when the fry ages, the parr has marks on its side called parr marks.
Smolt Smolt are young salmon that are ready to go out to sea, they would be making their way to sea around this time of year.
Adult Types of adult salmon; Grilse- salmon that have spent one year at sea before returning. Mulit-sea-winter-salmon- salmon that have spent at least two years at sea before returning. Kelts ( black salmon)- salmon that have spawned and are still in fresh water to are returning to the sea.
Spawning What's cool about how they spawn? What is a Redd? How do they spawn? salmon/salmo-salar/video-09a.html They spawn during the fall.
The Trip to Greenland They leave and make their way to Greenland around this time of year the trip is about 4000km.
Prey What do salmon eat? Look at your pamphlets.
Predator What eats salmon? look at your pamphlets
Fishing salmon??? /watch?v=8ztoZGBoxwg
What’s happening to our salmon??? Striped bass!
They can leap a 4 meter waterfall. We have created things called fish ladders to help them travel. They change color during spawning season. You can tell a salmons age by their scales. Fun Fact