Cavaliers vs Roundheads The English Civil War Cavaliers vs Roundheads
Organization of English Govt. Monarch Parliament House of Lords House of Commons
Relationship between monarchs and Parliament Parliament’s Job: approve new taxes, pass laws proposed by the king / queen and advise the monarch Monarch had more power than Parliament. Named officials, judges, summoned parliament, dismissed parliament, conducted foreign policy, ran the Church of England
Parliament House of Lords – Nobles who served in Parliament for life. Not elected. House of Commons – Wealthy landowners. Elected. (represented the common people)
England's Political / Economic Problems English Monarchs like James I and Charles I had to deal with Problems with Puritans who did not want to be part of England’s Church Debts accrued from wars with Spain *
English Civil War English Civil War 1642-1649 England tries to impose Anglican Church on Scotland. Scottish rebel. Charles calls Parliament for money. (Long Parliament) They only agree to help if Charles gives them things such as: abolition of bishops, and Parliament can not be dissolved. King and Parliament at odds. King leads troops to arrest radical members of Parliament. Parliament raises troops against the king.
Oliver Cromwell Chief “Roundhead” Puritan Leads Roundhead Army against Charles Wins Becomes “Lord Protector”
English Civil War Roundheads vs Cavaliers Roundheads: “New Model Army” “tyrant, traitor, murderer and public enemy” Charles is tried as a traitor and found guilty
Charles I
Charles I
Life With Cromwell Strong ruler – though not well liked Puritanical rule – bans books, papers, swearing, working on Sunday etc When he dies, English want a king back Ask Charles II (son of the beheaded one) to come back to England and rule
Glorious Revolution James II: Brother of Charles II becomes king in 1685 Catholic Suspended laws Appointed Catholics to office 1688: William III of Orange and Mary are asked by Parliament to take the thrown of England. James II flees to France
Changes in English Government Habeus Corpus – can not be arrested for nothing. Must be given trial English Bill of Rights Ruler subject to law Commoners have rights Ruler can not impose taxes without Parliament Free speech to Parliament No unusual punishment, unusual bail
Constitutional Government Limited Monarchy 3 Institutions: Political Parties Whigs and Torries Cabinet Prime Minister Robert Walpole
Power of Parliament Parliament gains power over years Ruler must have a Cabinet of ministers from among parliament leaders Parliament elects a Prime Minister Position intended to be chief aide to the king Gains power over time to become the “president” of Britain. Leader of government. King / Queen will eventually become a more ceremonial role