Television Advertising Mónica De Luna Serrato
Television Advertising Television advertising provides a very powerful vehicle for delivering a message about your product or service to the widest audience possible. The visual impact of video simply has a great ability to capture and hold the audience.
Costs The costs of producing a fifteen-, thirty-, or sixty-second television spot will vary depending upon… The sets Special effects Talent Equipment A crew necessary for the concept
Costs The cost for placing a television ad depends upon… The type of station The time of day your ad airs The ad run frequency
Costs Station types, in order of expense, include: UHF VHF Local cable access The frequency of your ads is as important as the time of day they air.
Costs Pricing for advertising time on local, major market, or national television networks can be negotiated. Television generally sells fewer ad slots than radio.
Advices The cost of television advertising is usually much higher than radio and newspapers, and if you are going to spring for television, you need a product and message that really requires the drama only the medium of television can impact.
Advices Television has more impact than radio, so fewer spots will still suffice in this medium. A minimum of 5 spots on one station during a week’s period of time is recommended.
Advices For local businesses, local cable may be a viable option. The costs are still low in this television venue. You can really zero in on a specific town or group of towns.