Drama Is Conflict!
Theatre The art of representing, for the pleasure of others, things that have happened or we imagine happening.
Proscenium Typical stage designed as if the audience is looking in through a window.
Thrust Stage Stage designed where the audience is seated on three sides.
Arena Stage Type of stage where audience is seated on all four sides. Also called theatre in the round.
House Area of the theatre where the audience sits Wings Area of the stage to the left and right of the performing area, not visible to the audience Fly Space Open ceiling area directly above the stage where lights and scenery pieces are hung
Stage Left The actor’s left when facing the audience Stage Right The actor’s right when facing the audience Upstage Area of stage farthest from the audience Downstage Area of stage closest to the audience
Stage Left Stage Right Upstage Down- stage DSRDSL USL USR Center AUDIENCE
Traveler Curtain stretching across upstage wall Tormentor Curtains on stage left and right masking wings Curtains above stage masking fly space Wings Area of stage hidden from audience by curtains and/or scenery Teaser
Raked Stage Stage built on a slant to improve audience visibility Leg or Batten Pipes and poles located in fly space from which curtains and scenery are hung Green Room Area or room backstage where actors wait between scenes
Genre Type of theatre, such as drama, tragedy, or comedy Pantomime Telling a story without words Improvisation Telling a story without a script
Director The BOSS! Stage Manager Responsible for all running all technical elements of a show Reading a script for an audition without prior preparation Call Back Second and final stage of the audition process Cold Read
Stage Directions Suggestions made by the playwright regarding blocking, emotions, setting, etc. Playwright The author of the play Project To enlarge one’s movements or voice for the sake of the audience
Cheat To turn the body out toward the audience Off-book All lines memorized Blocking The planned movement of the actors upon the stage
Work together in your pods and write a story using your vocabulary words. The story must make sense and use all the vocabulary words correctly. The pod that uses the most vocabulary words and has the most cooperative input will win a bonus of 3 points on their vocabulary test. One person from the pod needs to be prepared to read the story to the class.