Human Factors Rich Carlson
A Changing Landscape Improve Pilot skill level Improve Pilot support system Many names Aeronautical Decision Making Aeronautical Decision Making Judgment Training Judgment Training CRM/SPRM CRM/SPRM Risk Management Risk Management
Regulatory Requirements FAR Aeronautical Knowledge (b)(11) Aeronautical Decision Making and Judgment (b)(11) Aeronautical Decision Making and Judgment Practical Test Standard (PTS) Single Pilot Resource Management Single Pilot Resource Management
ADM – Underlying Principles Good judgment can be learned Explicit training using available resources Explicit training using available resources Books, pamphlets, AC’sBooks, pamphlets, AC’s Implicit training by example Implicit training by example what you do vs what you saywhat you do vs what you say what do your peers dowhat do your peers do
Implicit Learning
ADM – Decision Making Process
ADM – 5 Hazardous Thoughts Based on study of pilots Anti-Authority(follow the rules they’re usually right) Anti-Authority(follow the rules they’re usually right) Invulnerability(it can happen to me) Invulnerability(it can happen to me) Impulsive(slow down and think first) Impulsive(slow down and think first) Macho(taking chances is foolish) Macho(taking chances is foolish) Resignation(I can make a difference) Resignation(I can make a difference)
ADM - Example
ADM – Current Thinking Decisions are based on Experience Experience Knowledge of multiple facts Knowledge of multiple facts Expected outcome Expected outcome Evaluation of changing events Evaluation of changing events Known or expected risks Known or expected risks Known or expected rewards Known or expected rewards
American vs Swiss Cheese
ADM – Swiss Cheese Model
ADM – Tools to Improve the Odds Erect multiple barriers to prevent mistakes Erect multiple barriers to prevent mistakes – Glider assembly process POH, or other written, instructionsPOH, or other written, instructions Limit distractionsLimit distractions Knowledgeable assistantKnowledgeable assistant Suitable spaceSuitable space Post assembly checklistPost assembly checklist Positive Control CheckPositive Control Check Critical Assembly CheckCritical Assembly Check
ADM – Tools to Improve the Odds Evaluate actions, reactions, and responses Pre-flight: Are you ready for this flight? Pre-flight: Are you ready for this flight? In-flight: Is this the right course of action now? In-flight: Is this the right course of action now? Post-flight: What actions, or inactions, do I feel uncomfortable with and how can I improve things? Post-flight: What actions, or inactions, do I feel uncomfortable with and how can I improve things?
ADM - Problems Why would items not be accomplished Forgot Forgot Rushed Rushed Distracted Distracted Ignored Ignored Deemed unimportant Deemed unimportant
SPRM - Background Grew out of Commercial Airline Operations Flight crew failed to warn the pilot of a problem/mistake Flight crew failed to warn the pilot of a problem/mistake Captain didn’t listen to other crew members Captain didn’t listen to other crew members
CRM – Airline Operations Individuals the flight crew can use Flight crew members Flight crew members Ground crew Ground crew Dispatchers Dispatchers Maintenance personnel Maintenance personnel ATC ATC Weather specialists Weather specialists
SPRM – Glider Operations Individuals the Glider Pilot can use Pilot, co-Pilot in multi-place glider Pilot, co-Pilot in multi-place glider Fellow club members Fellow club members Ground crew Ground crew Wing runner Wing runner Tow Pilot Tow Pilot Instructor Instructor
Conclusions Every pilot must receive ADM & SPRM instruction Good judgment can be taught Poor judgment leads to accidents and higher insurance bills
ADM – Decision Making Process