ADDIE: Development, Implementation and Evaluation C. Candace Chou University of St. Thomas
The Development Phase The development phase is the process of authoring and producing the materials needed to meet the objectives. Choose media and delivery system Develop instruction: Storyboard
Select Media and Delivery System Synchronous vs asynchronous Low end Syn: audio lecture by telephone Asyn: web pages Mid level Syn: audio/video via Internet or Intranet streaming Asyn: downloadable audio/video clips to accompany text High end Syn: Real-time instructor-led video-conferencing Asyn: Interactivity sequences with customized feedback & matching, animation, 3D, complex simulation, CD-ROM (textbook, p )
E-Learning Delivery Methods Web-enhanced Proxy/Help/Teleconference Discussion Groups/Listservs Chat Performance Support (e.g., show me’s and help text)
Instructional strategies I Asynchronous learning Tutorials PowerPoint presentation with or without audio Manuals or online help listings Case studies
Instructional strategies II Synchronous learning Live, virtual lecture and demonstration PowerPoint presentation with live audio E-Briefings Performance support Recorded demos or Quick Clips Help text listings
Learning Components of Instructional Strategy Pre-instructional activities Content presentation Learner participation Assessment Follow-through activities (Dick & Carey, 2001)
StoryBoard Describe specifically how the product should function Specify information in each screen and how it relates to others. Create a list of media required for each interface. Define how every part of the interface functions Example: l Tools for creating storyboard, ures/createstorybd.htm ures/createstorybd.htm
The Implementation Phase A Plan To establish the implementation timeline and procedures Facilitator Training Covers curriculum, learning outcomes, Delivery method, and testing procedures Learner Prep How to access the course or use the hadware/software Tool Placing Hardware & Software Installation, web site roll-out, etc.
The Evaluation Phase Formative evaluation on each proceeding phase and determines effectiveness and quality of each stage. Fine-tune the implementation of a program Identify what is not working Identify mid-project adjustments and corrections Analyze learning materials, student learning and achievement, and teacher effectiveness
Summative evaluation consists of tests for criterion-related referenced items and provides opportunity for feedback from the users and assesses learner outcomes. Focus on the outcomes
ID Example Web Site: Cyberchem: /cyberchem/main.html /cyberchem/main.html Dynamic Human2: human2/content/index2.mhtml human2/content/index2.mhtml
References Big Dog’s ISD Page t.html t.html ADDIE rch.html rch.html