Let Ethics be the Guide to our Future & Reputation “Non-Profit Organizations” December 9, 2010 Heather Balchinclowing and Sonya Hohmeister
Nonprofit organizations are institutions that conduct their affairs for the purpose of assisting other individuals, groups, or causes rather than earning profits for themselves. Nonprofit agencies are far more important to the overall U.S. economy than is generally recognized.
Nonprofit groups have no shareholders; do not distribute profits in a way that benefits members, directors, or other individuals in their private capacity. Often nonprofit organizations receive exemption from various taxes in recognition of their contribution to bettering the general social fabric of the community.
Nearly 78% of Utah nonprofit agencies saw an increase in demand for services so far in 2010, up from 55% in But 40% of Utah’s nonprofit organizations are reporting that donations are down this year and one-third are in danger of closing down by end of year.
Of the Utah nonprofits surveyed, since January of 2010: 64 % have seen donations decrease 7% say donations are down 25% or more 14% have no money in the bank 46% have lost a major funding source or donor
Nonprofits need to change the way they think about how they raise money, and change the way they think about how they get people involved in their organizations, in an effort to reach younger generations.