Mutation Permanent changes or errors in a DNA sequence Copied during DNA replication Therefore heritable OR may occur during transcription to mRNA sequence
Germ Cell Mutation Occur in reproductive cells of an organism Will be passed on to offspring
Somatic Cell Mutation Occurs in body cells Side effects may be: Negative Positive There may be none
Normal hemoglobin Sickle-cell hemoglobin Glu Val Normal hemoglobin DNA Mutant hemoglobin DNA mRNA Sickle Cell Anemia
Causes Exposure to mutagenic agents UV (ultraviolet) radiation Cosmic rays Chemicals – e.g. pesticides X rays
Types of Mutations Point Mutation a.k.a – Gene Mutation Only one or a few nucleotides are affected Chromosomal Affects multiple genes May affect genes on separate chromosomes
mRNA Protein MetLysPheGlyAla Base substitution MetLysPheSerAla Replacement of one base by another AAG CCC GGC AAA AAG ACC GGC AAA Substitution
Possible Results Missense mutation Only one amino acid is changed DNARNA Amino Acid CCC= GGG= Gly ACC= UGG= Trp
Possible Results Nonsense Mutation Amino acid in middle of protein is changed to a stop codon Protein not complete & inactive DNAAmino Acid GTA AGT CGG=His – Ser - Ala GTA ACT CGG= His – STOP - Ala
Possible Results Silent Mutation Amino acid is not changed DNARNA Amino Acid CTA= GAU= Asp CTG= GAC= Asp
Deletion Elimination of one or more base pairs AAG CCC GGC AAA AA CCC GGC AAA ← shift over AAC CCG GCA AA
Addition/Insertion Placement of one or more base pairs AAG CCC GGC AAA AAG ACC CGG CAA A
Reading Frame The sun was hot but the old man did not get his hat. Letters = base pairs (3 letters = codon) Words = amino acid Sentence = protein T hes unw ash otb utt heo ldm and idn otg eth ish at.
Possible Results Frameshift mutation Moves ‘reading frame’ Codon = 3 bases Changes many amino acids Note: May also result in a nonsense mutation
MetLysLeuAlaHis Nucleotide deletion mRNA Protein MetLysPheGlyAla Deletion Mutation Result: Frameshift
mRNA = mRNA = GCU ACU CAA UUC 1. 1.Translate the mRNA above Translate each mutated mRNA below. a) a)GCU ACU CGA UUC b) b)GCU ACG CAA UUC c) c)GCU ACU UCA AUU C 3. 3.What was the result of each mutation? 4. 4.Which would be most harmful?
Task Page 263 Answer #2 to 7 Omit #6(e) For #5: list a maximum of 10
#2 – Additions more harmful than substitutions? Substitution May be silent May change only one amino acid Result: minor protein change Addition Changes reading frame Result: completely new protein Exception If substitution resulted in a nonsense mutation
#3 – Nonsense vs. Missense Nonsense: Translation ends before protein is complete Protein = inactive Missense: One amino acid changed Protein = may/may not function properly Which is more harmful?
#4 – Causes UV radiation Cosmic rays X rays Chemicals – e.g. pesticides
#5 – Create Stop Codon Stop codons: UGA, UAA, UAG Change one base to become stop codon: UAU, UAC, UGU, UGC, UGG, UUA, UCA, UUG, UCG, CGA, AGA, GGA, CAA, CAG, AAA, AAG, GAA, GAG
#6(a) – Harmful? Original strand: AUG–UUU–UUG–CCU–UAU–CAU–CGU met–phe–leu–pro–tyr–his–arg Change to: UAC New protein: met–phe–leu–pro–tyr–his–arg Silent = not harmful Protein unchanged
#6(b) – Harmful? Original strand: AUG–UUU–UUG–CCU–UAU–CAU–CGU met–phe–leu–pro–tyr–his–arg Change to: UAA New protein: met–phe–leu–pro–STOP Nonsense = harmful Nonfunctioning protein
#6(c) – Harmful? Original strand: AUG–UUU–UUG–CCU–UAU–CAU–CGU met–phe–leu–pro–tyr–his–arg New protein: met–phe–leu–ala–leu–leu–leu Frameshift mutation = harmful Different amino acids (new protein) insert a C and shift over
#6(d) – Harmful? Original strand: AUG–UUU–UUG–CCU–UAU–CAU–CGU met–phe–leu–pro–tyr–his–arg New protein: met–phe–leu–pro–ile–ile Frameshift mutation = harmful Different amino acids (new protein) and shift over Delete and shift over
#7(a) – Single Substitution Arginine → Leucine With the following substitutions: CGU → CUU CGC → CUC CGA → CUA CGG → CUG
#7(b) – Single Substitution Cysteine → Glutamic acid Cannot be done with one base pair substitution
#7(c) – Single Substitution Serine → Threonine With the following substitutions: AGU → ACU AGC → ACC UCU → ACU UCC → ACC UCA → ACA UCG → ACG
#7(d) – Single Substitution Isoleucine → Serine With the following substitutions: AUU → AGU AUC → AGC