-amanitin CHX (h) K921 Ac-Abl Abl Additional file, Figure S4
BAA+1 B ions+1 Y ions+2 B ions+2 Y ionsY 1 L K P A P P P P P A C Me T G K Ac Suppl. Fig. 1B. MS/MS of the peptide ion at m/z 477.8, corresponding to the (M+3H)3+ species with a mass of 1431Da.
p300 p300 -/- HCT IR (5Gy) K921 Ac-Abl Abl Suppl. Fig. S2. p300 HAT is dispensable for IR-induced K921 acetylation. HCT116 and HCT116/p300 - cells wre either mock-treated or IR (5 Gy) exposed and harvested 4 h post-treatment. Lysates were adjusted for equal protein content and probed with K921 acetyl-Abl (top panel), anti-Abl antibody (middle panel) or anti-p300 antibody (bottom panel).
-amanitin CHX (h) K921 Ac-Abl Abl Additional file 3, Figure S3