Crosstalk between histone modifications during the DNA damage response ◦ Histone ◦ Histone modification ◦ DNA damage ◦ DNA damage response
The componential proteins unit of nucleosome Histone Octamer ◦ H2A, H2B, H3, H4 ◦ Nature Reviews Cancer 1, (December 2001) | doi: /
Protein can be modified! Acetylation, Phosphorylation, Ubiquitination, Mehtylation, Etc Histone octamer can be also modified Histone is also protein! Nature Reviews Cancer 1, (December 2001) | doi: /
Double Strand Break(DSB) Single Strand Break(SSB) Thymine Dimer by UV
The most deleterious forms of DNA damage ◦ In most case of SSB, there are templates
Repair Death(Apoptosis) Aging
Base excision repair(BER) Nucleotide excision repair(NER) DSB repair ◦ Homologous recombination(HR) ◦ Non-homologous end-joining(NHEJ)
Peterson C L, Côté J Genes Dev. 2004;18:
Repair Or Die? To determine this, Body has to know about DNA damage How can detect DNA damage? Especially, DSB
H2A variant form 2~25 % population in tissue Conserved motif : SQEY Especially,‘S’ is very critical factor in Damage Response H2AX is S139 phosphorylated form When DSB occurs, H2AX appears -> DSB marker
Doctor : DNA damage response proteins Amplification of H2AX Formation of foci
MRN complex recognizes DSB site, and binds to DNA end. And recruits activated ATM ATM phosphoryates H2AX(it called H2AX) NBS1 recruits MDC1 to H2AX Amplification of H2AX Recognition and signal amplification of DNA damage
Michael B. Kastan, Cancer Res 2008;6(4):517–24 ATM also phosphorylates MDC1, 53BP1, BRCA1
I’m in trouble! Call doctor! Real Doctor makes holes to reach damaged site How about DNA repair?
To expose damaged DNA, chromatin must change -> Loosing!
Acetylation Ubiquitination Methylation
Generally when acetylated in histone -> Loosing And when deacetylated in histone -> Packing
TIP60 complex is a kind of HAT ◦ HAT : Histone AcetylTransferase TIP60 complex acetylates H4 and H2AX AcH4 is very critical factor for DDR ◦ Mutation -> Hypersensitive
Tip49a,b(also known as Rvb1, 2) are involved to TRRAP/Tip60 activity(HAT activity) Knockdown of Rvb1,2 -> increase of H2AX Jha S, Mol Cell Biol 2008; 28:
Why? AcH4 is important histone to recruit phosphatase Chromatin Remodeling Factor binds to N-ter of AcH4 and remove H2AX
TRRAP/Tip60 relax histone to recruit DNA repair protein effectvely. Mutation of these proteins -> Reduce recruitment of 53BP1 and Rad51 -> permit to access DNA to open up
Mono or poly ubiquitin can be signal factor
UBC13 can interact RNF8 and RNF168 and TIP60 ◦ RNF8 : E3 ligase ◦ RNF168 : E3 ligase ◦ UBC13 : E2 ligase Nature Reviews Cancer 6, (May 2006) doi: /nrc1881
Binds to phosphorylated MDC1 by FHA domain FHA domain : forkhead associated domain Ubiquitynate on H2AK63 or H2AXK63 RAP80 can bind to these histones Abraxas(adaptor protein) binds to RAP80 BRCA1 binds to Abraxas
Binds to monoUbH2AX K63 With UBC13, makes polyUbH2AX K63
TIP60 forms a complex with UBC13 to promote the DNA damage dependent ubiquitylation of Ac H2AX Acetylated site is for its ubiquitylation UBC13 and TIP60 complex is related to histone removal
H3K79 and H4K20 are important residues They are methylated in normal, and exposed at DSB They are docking sites for recruting signal transducer
53BP1 contains two tandem TUDOR domain TUDOR domain can bind methylated H3 and H4
Williams Beuren syndrome factor transcription factor -> Tyrosine kinase -> phosphorylated T142 of H2AX