Argonne Leadership Computing Facility ALCF at Argonne  Opened in 2006  Operated by the Department of Energy’s Office of Science  Located at Argonne.


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Presentation transcript:

Argonne Leadership Computing Facility ALCF at Argonne  Opened in 2006  Operated by the Department of Energy’s Office of Science  Located at Argonne National Laboratory (30 miles southwest of Chicago) 1

Argonne Leadership Computing Facility IBM Blue Gene/P, Intrepid (2007)  163,840 processors  80 terabytes of memory  557 teraflops  Energy-efficient system uses one-third the electricity of machines built with conventional parts  #38 on Top500 (June 2012)  #15 on Graph500 (June 2012) The groundbreaking Blue Gene  General-purpose architecture excels in virtually all areas of computational science  Presents an essentially standard Linux/PowerPC programming environment  Significant impact on HPC – Blue Gene systems are consistently found in the top ten list  Delivers excellent performance per watt  High reliability and availability 2

Argonne Leadership Computing Facility IBM Blue Gene/Q, Mira  IBM Blue Gene/Q, Mira – 768,000 processors – 768 terabytes of memory – 10 petaflops – #3 on Top500 (June 2012) – #1 on Graph500 (June 2012) 3 Blue Gene/Q Prototype 2 ranked #1 June 2011

Argonne Leadership Computing Facility Programs for Obtaining System Allocations 4 For more information, visit: / collaborations/ p)

Argonne Leadership Computing Facility The U.S. Department of Energy’s INCITE Program INCITE seeks out large, computationally intensive research projects and awards more than a billion processing hours to enable high- impact scientific advances.  Open to researchers in academia, industry, and other organizations  Proposed projects undergo scientific and computational readiness reviews  More than a billion total hours are awarded to a small number of projects  Sixty percent of the ALCF’s processing hours go to INCITE projects  Call for proposals issued once per year 5

Argonne Leadership Computing Facility 2012 INCITE Allocations by Discipline 6

Argonne Leadership Computing Facility World-Changing Science Underway at the ALCF  Research that will lead to improved, emissions- reducing catalytic systems for industry (Greeley)  Enhancing pubic safety through more accurate earthquake forecasting (Jordan)  Designing more efficient nuclear reactors that are less susceptible to dangerous, costly failures (Fischer)  Accelerating research that may improve diagnosis and treatment for patients with blood-flow complications (Karniadakis)  Protein studies that will apply to a broad range of problems, such as a finding a cure for Alzheimer’s disease, creating inhibitors of pandemic influenza, or engineering a step in the production of biofuels (Baker)  Furthering research to bring green energy sources, like hydrogen fuel, safely into our everyday lives, reducing our dependence on foreign fuels (Khokhlov) 7

Argonne Leadership Computing Facility ALCF Service Offerings  Scientific liaison (“Catalyst”) for INCITE and ALCC projects, providing collaboration along with assistance with proposals and planning  Startup assistance and technical support  Performance engineering and application tuning  Data analysis and visualization experts  MPI and MPI-I/O experts  Workshops and Seminars 8

Argonne Leadership Computing Facility A single node  Can be carved up into multiple MPI ranks, or as a single MPI rank with threads – Up to 4 MPI ranks/node on intrepid, up to 64 MPI ranks/node on mira  SIMD available on the cores, required to reach peak flop rate – 2-way FPU on intrepid, 4-way FPU on mira  Runs a Compute Node Kernel, requires cross-compiling from the front-end login nodes  Forwards I/O operations to an I/O node, which aggregates requests from multiple compute nodes  No virtual memory – 2 GB/node on intrepid, 16 GB/node on mira  No fork()/system() calls 9

Argonne Leadership Computing Facility A partition  Partitions come in pre-defined sizes that gain you isolation from other users  Additionally, you get the I/O nodes connecting you to the GPFS filesystems – requires a scalable I/O strategy!  Partitions can be as small as 512 nodes (16 on development rack), up to the size of the full machine  At the small scale, this is governed by the ratio of I/O nodes to compute nodes  At the large scale, this is governed by the network links required to make a torus, rather than a mesh 10

Argonne Leadership Computing Facility Blue Gene/P hierarchy: 11 1 chip, 20 DRAMs 13.6 GF/s 2.0 GB DDR Supports 4-way SMP 32 Node Cards 1024 chips, 4096 procs 14 TF/s 2 TB 40 Racks 556 TF/s 82TB Rack Intrepid System Compute Card 435 GF/s 64 GB (32 chips 4x4x2) 32 compute, 0-2 IO cards Node Card Front End Node / Service Node System p Servers Linux SLES10

Argonne Leadership Computing Facility 12

Argonne Leadership Computing Facility 13

Argonne Leadership Computing Facility Visualization and Data Analytics  Both systems come with a linux cluster attached to the same GPFS filesystems and network infrastructure  The GPUs on these machines can be used for straight visualization, or to perform data analysis  Software includes VISIT, ParaView, and other viz toolkits 14

Argonne Leadership Computing Facility Programming Models and Development Environment  Basically, all of the lessons from this week apply: MPI, pthreads, OpenMP, using any of C, C++, Fortran – Also have access to things like Global Arrays and other lower-level communication protocols if that’s your thing – Can use XL or GNU compilers, along with LLVM (beta)  I/O using HDF, NetCDF, MPI-I/O, …  Debugging with TAU, HPCToolkit, DDT, TotalView, …  Many supported libraries, like BLAS, PetSc, Scalapack, … 15

Argonne Leadership Computing Facility How do you get involved?  Send to requesting access to the CScADs  Or, go to and request a project of your own 16