Argonne Leadership Computing Facility ALCF at Argonne Opened in 2006 Operated by the Department of Energy’s Office of Science Located at Argonne National Laboratory (30 miles southwest of Chicago) 1
Argonne Leadership Computing Facility IBM Blue Gene/P, Intrepid (2007) 163,840 processors 80 terabytes of memory 557 teraflops Energy-efficient system uses one-third the electricity of machines built with conventional parts #38 on Top500 (June 2012) #15 on Graph500 (June 2012) The groundbreaking Blue Gene General-purpose architecture excels in virtually all areas of computational science Presents an essentially standard Linux/PowerPC programming environment Significant impact on HPC – Blue Gene systems are consistently found in the top ten list Delivers excellent performance per watt High reliability and availability 2
Argonne Leadership Computing Facility IBM Blue Gene/Q, Mira IBM Blue Gene/Q, Mira – 768,000 processors – 768 terabytes of memory – 10 petaflops – #3 on Top500 (June 2012) – #1 on Graph500 (June 2012) 3 Blue Gene/Q Prototype 2 ranked #1 June 2011
Argonne Leadership Computing Facility Programs for Obtaining System Allocations 4 For more information, visit: / collaborations/ p)
Argonne Leadership Computing Facility The U.S. Department of Energy’s INCITE Program INCITE seeks out large, computationally intensive research projects and awards more than a billion processing hours to enable high- impact scientific advances. Open to researchers in academia, industry, and other organizations Proposed projects undergo scientific and computational readiness reviews More than a billion total hours are awarded to a small number of projects Sixty percent of the ALCF’s processing hours go to INCITE projects Call for proposals issued once per year 5
Argonne Leadership Computing Facility 2012 INCITE Allocations by Discipline 6
Argonne Leadership Computing Facility World-Changing Science Underway at the ALCF Research that will lead to improved, emissions- reducing catalytic systems for industry (Greeley) Enhancing pubic safety through more accurate earthquake forecasting (Jordan) Designing more efficient nuclear reactors that are less susceptible to dangerous, costly failures (Fischer) Accelerating research that may improve diagnosis and treatment for patients with blood-flow complications (Karniadakis) Protein studies that will apply to a broad range of problems, such as a finding a cure for Alzheimer’s disease, creating inhibitors of pandemic influenza, or engineering a step in the production of biofuels (Baker) Furthering research to bring green energy sources, like hydrogen fuel, safely into our everyday lives, reducing our dependence on foreign fuels (Khokhlov) 7
Argonne Leadership Computing Facility ALCF Service Offerings Scientific liaison (“Catalyst”) for INCITE and ALCC projects, providing collaboration along with assistance with proposals and planning Startup assistance and technical support Performance engineering and application tuning Data analysis and visualization experts MPI and MPI-I/O experts Workshops and Seminars 8
Argonne Leadership Computing Facility A single node Can be carved up into multiple MPI ranks, or as a single MPI rank with threads – Up to 4 MPI ranks/node on intrepid, up to 64 MPI ranks/node on mira SIMD available on the cores, required to reach peak flop rate – 2-way FPU on intrepid, 4-way FPU on mira Runs a Compute Node Kernel, requires cross-compiling from the front-end login nodes Forwards I/O operations to an I/O node, which aggregates requests from multiple compute nodes No virtual memory – 2 GB/node on intrepid, 16 GB/node on mira No fork()/system() calls 9
Argonne Leadership Computing Facility A partition Partitions come in pre-defined sizes that gain you isolation from other users Additionally, you get the I/O nodes connecting you to the GPFS filesystems – requires a scalable I/O strategy! Partitions can be as small as 512 nodes (16 on development rack), up to the size of the full machine At the small scale, this is governed by the ratio of I/O nodes to compute nodes At the large scale, this is governed by the network links required to make a torus, rather than a mesh 10
Argonne Leadership Computing Facility Blue Gene/P hierarchy: 11 1 chip, 20 DRAMs 13.6 GF/s 2.0 GB DDR Supports 4-way SMP 32 Node Cards 1024 chips, 4096 procs 14 TF/s 2 TB 40 Racks 556 TF/s 82TB Rack Intrepid System Compute Card 435 GF/s 64 GB (32 chips 4x4x2) 32 compute, 0-2 IO cards Node Card Front End Node / Service Node System p Servers Linux SLES10
Argonne Leadership Computing Facility 12
Argonne Leadership Computing Facility 13
Argonne Leadership Computing Facility Visualization and Data Analytics Both systems come with a linux cluster attached to the same GPFS filesystems and network infrastructure The GPUs on these machines can be used for straight visualization, or to perform data analysis Software includes VISIT, ParaView, and other viz toolkits 14
Argonne Leadership Computing Facility Programming Models and Development Environment Basically, all of the lessons from this week apply: MPI, pthreads, OpenMP, using any of C, C++, Fortran – Also have access to things like Global Arrays and other lower-level communication protocols if that’s your thing – Can use XL or GNU compilers, along with LLVM (beta) I/O using HDF, NetCDF, MPI-I/O, … Debugging with TAU, HPCToolkit, DDT, TotalView, … Many supported libraries, like BLAS, PetSc, Scalapack, … 15
Argonne Leadership Computing Facility How do you get involved? Send to requesting access to the CScADs Or, go to and request a project of your own 16