“The famous British Artists”


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Presentation transcript:

“The famous British Artists” Учитель: Михайлова Е.В. МБОУ гимназия г.Советский, ХМАО-Югра 2015 год

Vocabulary Accompany – сопровождать Anticipate - ожидать, предвидеть 1 Accompany – сопровождать Anticipate - ожидать, предвидеть Colourist– художник-колорист Impressionist- импрессионист Intend - намереваться, подразумевать Interrelation- взаимоотношение Prophetic- пророческий Reflect- отражать Shrimp - креветка Satire - сатира Watercolour - акварель

Types of painting A religious work A real life painting A landscape 2 A religious work A real life painting A landscape A still life A portrait

The Tate Gallery 3

The Tate Gallery was opened in 1897. 4 The Tate Gallery was opened in 1897. It consisted of eight rooms and was intended as a collection of contemporary British painting only. The Tate Gallery has become the national collection of British painting of all periods, British and foreign modern sculpture. Among the best painters represented are Hogarth, Constable, William Turner, Thomas Gainsborough, etc.

5 William Hogarth (1697- 1764)

6 William Hogarth is one of the greatest English painters. In his pictures he reflected social life and in many of them the beauty of his painting was accompanied by satire. «The Shrimp Girl»

7 The “Marriage-a-la-mode”( Модный брак), “The Election Entertainment”(Выборы) were painted to show the life very satirically.

“The Election Entertainment”(Выборы) 8 “The Election Entertainment”(Выборы)

9 In 1742 Hogarth painted “The Graham Children” where he brilliantly used his delicate colours to show the charm of childhood.

10 John Constable (1776-1837)

11 «Salisbury Cathedral from the Bishop's Garden» «The Lock» John Constable was fond of the place where he was born and spent his childhood on the river Stour [stue]. He painted the landscape without any changes and the trees or other objects were in his paintings very true to life.

He said to be the first landscape painter in England. 12 The picture “The Cornfield” was painted in 1824. Constable came from the county of Suffolk, one of the prettiest parts of England and painted its scenery many times. He said to be the first landscape painter in England.

13 William Turner (1775 - 1851)

William Turner began his activity in art as a watercolour master William Turner began his activity in art as a watercolour master. Light and atmosphere were his characteristic feature. Turner is a super colourist. 14 «The Battle of Trafalgar»

15 In 1805 he painted “The Shipwreck”. He showed a terrible disaster at sea. Green was a colour that Turner particularly disliked.

16 In “Snow Storm” he reflected with the help of snow the idea of survival and even in our days it looks very prophetic. It is considered one of his most original paintings.

(The Standing of Sun in the Tuman”) 17 He studies colour very seriously and is said to anticipate the art of impressionists and abstract painters of the 20th century. (The Standing of Sun in the Tuman”)

18 In his “Rain, Steam and Speed” (1844) he worked much on the colour interrelation.

Thomas Gainsborough (1727-1788) 19 Thomas Gainsborough (1727-1788)

20 Thomas Gainsborough is a very lyrical painter who successfully connected man and nature. A very strong psychologist, he painted mostly women on the background of a scenery. «Sophia Charlotte Lady»

21 He liked blue colours best of all. His portraits are optimistic and the light and shade of colour are in full harmony with the lines. «the Duchess of Devonshire»

“Sir Robert Andrews and his wife” 22 Thomas Gainsborough “Sir Robert Andrews and his wife”

Tasks He reflected social life satirically. 23 William Turner William Hogarth He was a watercolour master. He reflected social life satirically. John Constable Thomas Gainsborough He said to be the first landscape painter in England. He is a very lyrical painter who successfully connected man and nature.

Russian artists И. К. Айвазовский И.И. Левитан И. И. Шишкин В. Серов Андрей Рублев К. Коровин И. Репин А.Г.Венецианов

Список использованных источников 1. Книга для чтения к учебнику «Счастливый английский. Кн. 2 для 7—9 кл. общеобразов. учрежд. / Т.Б. Клементьева, Д.А. Шэннон. — 2-е изд., испр. — Обнинск: Титул, 2003» 2. http://www.bibliotekar.ru/k-Turner/ 3. http://nevsepic.com.ua/art-i-risovanaya-grafika/6279-uilyam-hogart-xviiie-william-hogarth-287-rabot.html 4. http://www.lib05.ru/virtual_exhibition/mastera-angliyskoy-zhivopisi 5. http://www.votpusk.ru/country/dostoprim_info.asp?ID=2518 6. http://smallbay.ru/article/culture_england_geynsboro.html 7. http://www.artsait.ru/art/sh/shishkin/main.htm 8. http://isaak-levitan.ru 9. http://all-biography.ru/alpha/a/ajvazovskij-ivan-aivazovsky-ivan 10. http://bibliotekar.ru/kSerov/index.htm 11. http://kkorovin.ru/foto/foto10.php 12. http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/bo4kameda/post303935498/ 13. http://nearyou.ru/repin/tr87self.html 14. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Венецианов,_Алексей_Гаврилович