Visual Specification of a DSL Processor Debugger Tamás Mészáros and Tihamér Levendovszky Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Overview Defining the Dynamic Behavior of Graphical DSLs Animation Framework A Case Study Graph transformation debugger
Building DSLs Abstract syntax (rules of the language) Metamodeling Concrete syntax (visual appearance) Annotations to metamodel Textual languages DSL + processing Dynamic behavior?
Defining Dynamic Behavior Annotation to metamodel Textual programming language constructs DSL Visual Modeling and Transformation System (VMTS) Animation Framework
Animation Framework Overview
VMTS Animation Framework Separating animation from model simulation The domain knowledge is considered black-box Animation logic is described with an event-driven state machine Integration with an event-driven approach The integration is supported with visual modeling techniques Processing animation models Generating skeleton for event handlers Generating executable application from animator models
VMTS Animation Framework Event handler model Event-driven interface for external components Elements Events Entites ( event parameters) Ports
VMTS Animation Framework Animator Event-driven state machine Port-based interface States Transitions Guard expression Action expression
VMTS Animation Framework High Level Animation Model Event handler Animator Port Event route
Graph rewriting Rewriting rule Host graph
VMTS model transformation engine Graph rewriting-based approach Rewriting rules Searching for graph patterns (LHS graph) Replacing matches with a substitue pattern (RHS) Control sequence Visual Control Flow Language Rule application Conditional branching Exhaustive rule application Parameter passing between rules
Model transformation debugger Goals Visualization of input and output models Animating the Control Flow model Visualizing the executed rewriting rule Continuous and step-by-step execution, breakpoints, jumping in the Control Flow Online editing of input and output models
Model transformation debugger Event handler model Wrapping the transformation engine
Model transformation debugger High-level animation model Event handlers UI, GT, Timer Animators GT, Highlight, hotkey HighlightGT
Model transformation debugger State machine model (SIM_GT) 1) Init 2) Idle 3) Process start 4) Process edge Breakpoint 5) Process rule node 6) Decision node 7) End node
Debugger – in action
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