Yolo LAFCO Agricultural Conservation Policy Yolo County Local Agency Formation Commission Commissioners Public Member Olin Woods, Chairman City Members Skip Davies, Stephen Souza County Members Helen M. Thomson, Matt Rexroad, Vice-Chairman Alternate Commissioners Public Member Robert Ramming City Member Bill Kristoff County Member Jim Provenza
Policy Overview §Established in 1994 §Implements California Government Code §56377
Policy: §Outlines the relationship of LAFCO laws, policies, factors and standards to ag protection §Communicates and clarifies the Commission’s purpose and conservation expectations §Establishes and implements a 1:1 acre agricultural mitigation ratio for prime land
Additional Tools: §Land Evaluation and Site Assessment Model (LESA) l Measures land evaluation and site assessment l Includes a four tiered rating system
Standards for Easements: §Mitigation Land: l Character l Location l Participation l Vehicle Land bank In-lieu fee
IN LIEU FEE §Purchase of conservation easements l Payment made to agricultural conservation entity that meets Policy standards l Strongly encouraged for less than 20 acres l Formula based on average of recent agricultural land purchases
Changes/Issues over the years: §All undeveloped areas subject to policy §Out of Agency Agreements §Waiver for school sites in specific situations §Mitigation for schools §Allowed specific exceptions, based on state law §No annexation of Williamson Act lands
Changes/Issues Over the Years §Payment to agricultural conservation entity §Use of In Lieu fees §Non-profit entity favored - public agency can be co-holder §Easement Holder §If habitat does not affect agriculture §Combination of Ag and Habitat Easements
Commission Policy Encourages: §Orderly growth and agricultural protection are not mutually exclusive §Awareness and early implementation §Adoption of local policies