Site Considerations Just the basics
Plot Plan Plot plans contain: Location, outline, and size of buildings on the site. Driveways and Walkways Landscaping Meridian arrow (north symbol).
Plot Plan
Location of Building on Plot Easements: An easement allows another person the right to use your land for a specific purpose. The most usual easements are those granted to public utility or telephone, water, electric, and gas companies.
Driveways and Walkways A driveway turnaround is recommended if space is available to avoid backing into the street. Minimum driveway width is 10'. Walkways are recommended to all doors and the garage (if detached)
Landscaping The landscape plan is designed to show the type and placement of trees, shrubs, flowers, and pools on the site.
Landscape Plan
Elevations An elevation is an orthographic projection drawing of one side of a building. Purpose is to give vertical dimensions and show the finished appearance. Exterior materials are shown.