CADASTRE STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS WORKSHOP AUGUST 16, 2012 Western Australian Land Information System Peter Ingwersen
PURPOSE To collaboratively identify and consider opportunities for WOG efficiencies in regard to the future usage of the cadastre.
CADASTRE REFERENCE GROUP(S) Existed at least since 1996, various names Collaborative initiation/ progression/ implementation of many improvements to cadastre POSITIONAL ACCURACY IMPROVEMENT GROUP… - Since Referential topology focus (... of derived datasets) - Achieved some important wins, but largely tactical
Some priority tasks highlighted by PAIG to be progressed: Complete Spatial Upgrade Pass 1 Complete Spatial Upgrade Pass 2 Provision of easement definition Improved alignment of cadastre to imagery Others, including: - Fix the lot areas - Provision of a planned layer - Lot synchronisation
CADASTRAL DATA ACCESS, USAGE (1) Govt agencies (& LGA’s) access the cadastre differently. Landgate Extracts: 19 Govt agencies get extracts of the cadastral data... 2 get it monthly, 10 – qtrly, 5 – six-mthly, 2 – annually 32 LGA’s get extracts of cadastre, … mixed frequencies SLIP … only 6 Govt agencies access the cadastre as a SLIP svce.
CADASTRAL DATA ACCESS, USAGE (2) and, several Govt agencies (and LGA’s) not only maintain a local vsn of the cadastre, they maintain it differently : Nightly, full refresh of locally-held cadastre via SLIP Maintain local cadastre via Landgate-provided ‘data change files’ Maintain local cadastre using ‘pre-cal’s Access cadastre effectively in real-time mode
We have a world-leading implementation of cadastre We’ve got a very joined-up spatial community We’ve implemented SLIP BUT... we still hold duplicate copies of the cadastre, and duplicate data maintenance activity !! ( since...??) Is it time to (re-)explore more optimised WOG access to, and use of cadastral data...?
Location Information Strategy for Western Australia Putting Location into Action LOCATION INFORMATION STRATEGY … AIMS: FACILITATE WA’s growth thru better use of location info ENABLE better informed decision-making STREAMLINE the capture/ maintenance of Govt data FOSTER innovative thought, process and practice
We hope to achieve… 2020 ‘ideal-world’ scenario-thinking re cadastral data: Government and community demands upon cadastral (and related) datasets Agency capacity to deliver, eg business impact considerations Explore WOG efficiencies … How will we do things differently in 2020? ITS NOT ABOUT ‘TWEAKING’ CURR. DELIVERY PRACTICE !
ITS ABOUT… Strategic wants,… not operational/ tactical wants WOG perspective Cadastre, not just Spatial Cadastral Data Base (SCDB) Blue-sky thinking,… there are no stupid ideas We’re not trying to solve things here Open discussion,… leave any sensitivities at door please