River Corridor Closure Project Safety People Results End State and Final Closure Jeff A Lerch Manager, Long Term Stewardship June 1 and 2, 2006
River Corridor Closure Project Safety People Results E _2 Major Scope Elements Orphan Site Evaluations Remedial Action Reports Long Term Stewardship Plan Independent Closure Reviews Data Management Systems
River Corridor Closure Project Safety People Results E _3 Orphan Sites Evaluations Orphan Site: Manmade features, items, or activity areas within the River Corridor that 1) meet the TPA MP- 14 criteria for waste site identification, 2) are not identified for characterization or cleanup within the regulatory framework (e.g., RODs and work plans) Orphan Site Evaluation: A systematic approach involving historical review and field walkdown activities to identify new source unit waste sites within the River Corridor that are not identified for characterization or cleanup within the regulatory framework (e.g., RODs and work plans). Results of each orphan site evaluation are presented in a summary report (contract deliverable C.2.10) including a description of the process and a listing of identified orphan sites.
River Corridor Closure Project Safety People Results E _4 Orphan Sites Evaluations (continued) Evaluations conducted for each Reactor/Operational Area and Inter Areas –Historical review –Field walkdown –Gap analysis –Historical/Field integration –Summary report Upland Inter Areas includes flight survey subtask
River Corridor Closure Project Safety People Results E _5 Orphan Sites Evaluations (continued) Reactor/Operational area evaluations sequenced based on anticipated field remediation schedule –100-D, 100-IU, 100-H, 100-K, 100-N, 300-FF-2, 400 Area Upland Inter areas scheduled to begin 2008 Evaluations complete for 100-B/C, 300-FF-1, 100-F
River Corridor Closure Project Safety People Results E _6 Remedial Action Reports Documents completion of remedial actions established in ROD –Chronology –Construction (remedial action) summary –Performance Standards –O&M/Institutional controls –Cost summary Does not include “No Further Action” determination Required for each OU – 14 total (deliverable C ) Sequenced based on anticipated field remediation schedule Report enhancement planned to support final cleanup decision strategy
River Corridor Closure Project Safety People Results E _7 Long-Term Stewardship Plans Criteria to be met for long-term stewardship and a proposed Finding of Suitability to Transfer in accordance with CERCLA Section 120(h) Identifies criteria to ensure land use consistent with exposure scenarios following remedial action –Record keeping and information management –Monitoring and surveillance –Access control and postings Does not establish cleanup objectives or exposure scenarios
River Corridor Closure Project Safety People Results E _8 Long-Term Stewardship Plans Draft Plan – October 2007 (deliverable C ) Final Plan – 90 days before completion of contract requirements (deliverable C ) –DOE approval is a condition precedent to completion of contract requirements
River Corridor Closure Project Safety People Results E _9 Independent Closure Review Conduct closure review with independent experts to assure implemented remedies meet ROD requirements and that No Further Action Is Needed to Protect Human Health and the Environment Separate reviews for 100 Area & 300 Area Scheduled near anticipated contract end (~2012) Pilot Closure review planned in mid-2007 –100-B/C likely choice
River Corridor Closure Project Safety People Results E _10 Data Management Systems Overlies all WCH field projects Supports internal and external database tools –GIS, SDT, ENRE, risk assessment –HEIS, WIDS Key long-term stewardship deliverable elements