Sasa Espino Franklin Lew Trevor Holleman Robert O’Connell Trauma Surgery Jeffrey Stromberg Stephanie Louka
ATTD/RESDATEPATIENTINDICATIONPROCEDURE Ferrada/ Espino MVC Exlap, splenectomy, distal pancreatectomy, liver packing, Abthera placement Malhotra/ Espino Open abdomen, s/p MVC Abdominal washout, GJ tube placement, closure Ferrada/ Espino Open abdomen, s/p MVC Abdominal washout, J tube placement, closure Ferrada/ O’Connell Retained bulletRemoval of Ferrada/ Espino MVC Exlap, splenectomy, Abthera placement, L chest tube placement Whelan/ Espino Failure to wean off ventilator, aspiration risk Open tracheostomy, EGD, PEG placement
ATTD/RESDATEPATIENTINDICATIONPROCEDURE Malhotra/ Stromberg Thoracoabdominal GSW L chest tube placement, ED thoracotomy, sternotomy, lung wedge resection, pericardiotomy, exlap, bowel resection, L nephrectomy, Abthera placement Whelan/ Wesson Open abdomen, s/p MVC Abdominal washout, Abthera placement
Deaths and Complications Attending/ Resident DATEPATIENTDx/PROCEDURECOMPLICATION Malhotra/ Stromberg GSW/ ED thoracotomy, L chest tube placement, nephrectomy, bowel resection, exlap Death