Travis Ball, PE USACE Seattle Hydraulic Engineering Section 2 May 2014 HWY 530 Landslide: Hydraulic Modeling in Support of County, State, and Federal Long-Term Planning
FEMA’s Hydraulic Modeling Effort: Mission Assigned to USACE 1.Planning-level modeling to help inform decision makers about long-term flood risks and channel alignment/geometry alternatives 2.Continue and add to the long-term modeling effort that will be ongoing by various parties for several months
Flow and Lake Level
North Combo Middle
Pre-Slide Conditions: 100-yr Event C-Post Road Slide Reach
Present Conditions: 100-yr Event C-Post Road Slide Reach Current channel alignment and geometry
Future: North Alignment - 100yr Event C-Post Road Slide Reach
Future: Middle Alignment- 100yr Event C-Post Road Slide Reach
Future: Combo Alignment- 100yr Event C-Post Road Slide Reach
Future: North Alignment - 100yr Event # Pre-SlidePost-Slide 1% Flood Event (100- year: 34,103 cfs) FEMA Hydraulic Model with 2013 LiDAR and no Bathymetry Baseline: Using Observed Data on/around 4/23/2014 C-Post WSE Upstream End of Slide Reach WSE (Pool /Pilot Transition Zone) Midway Through Slide Reach WSE Downstream End of Slide Reach WSE Long Term Measure Runs for Modifications to Existing (North Alignment) Channel Base Width of 150 Feet, 2:1 Side Slopes, and Elevation (variable) Equal to PreSlide Conditions** Base Width of 125 Feet, 2:1 Side Slopes, and Elevation (variable) Equal to PreSlide Conditions Base Width of 100 Feet, 2:1 Side Slopes, and Elevation (variable) Equal to PreSlide Conditions Base Width of 75 Feet, 2:1 Side Slopes, and Elevation (variable) Equal to PreSlide Conditions Cut Volume to Match Existing Channel to Specified Geometry (Cu. Yd)
Future: Middle Alignment- 100yr Event # Pre-SlidePost-Slide 1% Flood Event (100- year: 34,103 cfs) FEMA Hydraulic Model with 2013 LiDAR and no Bathymetry Baseline: Using Observed Data on/around 4/23/2014 C-Post WSE Upstream End of Slide Reach WSE (Pool /Pilot Transition Zone) Midway Through Slide Reach WSE Downstream End of Slide Reach WSE Long Term Measure Runs for Middle Channel Development Base Width of 150 Feet, 2:1 Side Slopes, and Elevation (variable) Equal to PreSlide Conditions** Base Width of 125 Feet, 2:1 Side Slopes, and Elevation (variable) Equal to PreSlide Conditions Base Width of 100 Feet, 2:1 Side Slopes, and Elevation (variable) Equal to PreSlide Conditions Base Width of 75 Feet, 2:1 Side Slopes, and Elevation (variable) Equal to PreSlide Conditions Cut Volume to Match Existing Channel to Specified Geometry (Cu. Yd)
Future: Combo Alignment- 100yr Event # Pre-SlidePost-Slide 1% Flood Event (100- year: 34,103 cfs) FEMA Hydraulic Model with 2013 LiDAR and no Bathymetry Baseline: Using Observed Data on/around 4/23/2014 C-Post WSE Upstream End of Slide Reach WSE (Pool /Pilot Transition Zone) Midway Through Slide Reach WSE Downstream End of Slide Reach WSE Long Term Measure Runs for Combo Channel Development Base Width of 150 Feet, 2:1 Side Slopes, and Elevation (variable) Equal to PreSlide Conditions** Base Width of 125 Feet, 2:1 Side Slopes, and Elevation (variable) Equal to PreSlide Conditions Base Width of 100 Feet, 2:1 Side Slopes, and Elevation (variable) Equal to PreSlide Conditions Base Width of 75 Feet, 2:1 Side Slopes, and Elevation (variable) Equal to PreSlide Conditions Cut Volume to Match Existing Channel to Specified Geometry (Cu. Yd)
Future: 2yr Event – 150’ Wide C-Post Road Slide Reach
Future: 2yr Event – 75’ Wide C-Post Road Slide Reach
Future: 10yr Event – 150’ Wide C-Post Road Slide Reach
Future: 10yr Event – 75’ Wide C-Post Road Slide Reach
Excel Summary of Alignment Alternatives
Slide developed by Casey Kramer