2013 Potomac Combined Federal Campaign Key Worker Training - Dahlgren
Agenda Registration Welcome and Introductions Guest Agency Speaker CFC at a Glance Marketing the Campaign/Best Practices Handling Objections The Paperwork − Online Giving − Brochures − Pledge Cards − Report Envelopes and Turn-ins Gifts and Incentives Questions and Wrap-up 2
How far you go in life depends on being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because some day in life you will have been all of these.” ~George Washington 3
CFC at a Glance Once-a-year charitable fundraising campaign for Federal civilian and military employees Established in 1961 by President JFK and administered and regulated by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) ( Contributors are encouraged to designate to their favorite charity or charities through payroll deduction Raised almost $7 billion over the last 50 years 4
Total Amount Raised in 2012: $ million Number of Employees Solicited: 20,527 Number of Donors: 3,112 Participation Rate Overall 15.2% Average Gift: $ Total Number of Charities Participating: over 3,200 (Local, National & International) 2012 Dahlgren Results Total Amount Raised in 2012$446,693 Number of Employees Solicited: 5,355 Number of donors: 713 Participation Rate: 13.3% Average Gift: $ Potomac CFC 2012 Potomac CFC Results 5
Donation Breakdown In 2012 donors gave: $810,816 to National Organizations/Federations $ 61,019 to International Orgs./Federations $411,472 to Local Organizations/Federations Locally, donors gave: $17,694 to the SPCA $10,608 to King George F&R $ 9,845 to King George Animal Rescue 6
The Gifts All donated funds, minus administrative expenses, go directly to the organization specified. Administrative expenses are approved by the Local Federal Coordinating Committee (LFCC). Contributions are VOLUNTARY! Donors are encouraged to designate. Individuals can donate to as many organizations as they wish, they just have to fill out additional pledge cards. Undesignated funds: the proportions are determined by the amount designated for each agency 7
You are the key to success of the campaign! − Department/agency events − “Key” to collecting/reviewing pledge cards and turning in funds Your positive attitude will help ensure a favorable response from you co-workers. You are the official representative of the charities that depend on the CFC for funds. − Agencies, in turn, help people in need in our community, our country and around the world. The Key Worker’s Role 8
Marketing the Campaign Be creative and make it “fun” fundraising. Share creative special events on the Facebook page for Key Workers. Use group meetings & the Speaker’s Bureau. Sponsor special events for your departments/agencies. − Money collected during a special event is considered undesignated Don’t take objections personally. All donations are voluntary so PLEASE, never coerce or strong-arm. Encourage payroll deduction…it’s the easiest way to give! Say “Thank You”! 9
Campaign BEST Practices Have a mini-Agency Fair Invite an Agency Speaker Have one or many department-wide Special Events Have your Department/Agency Head/Supervisor show support Ask employees to share their testimonial Hold a Department-wide meeting and inform Employees about the CFC system − Reasons for giving − General CFC information − Discuss brochure and incentives − Answer questions − Hand out Pledge Cards and ask for Contributions Say “Thank You” Read the Top 10 Fundraising Ideas and pick one to implement! Have FUN! 10
How to Handle Typical Objections Remember - Objections or complaints are not personal. Encourage Questions - Provide information about CFC ask for questions. This is a great system for giving! Inform - The objection may not be real. It may stem from a misunderstanding about CFC or a charity. − Provide information so that person can make an educated decision about their donation. − Use the 2013 CFC Brochure as a resource. − Call US! We can provide you with a wealth of CFC information. − Check the Potomac CFC website: Be sympathetic - Listen carefully to concerns. Remain positive – Don’t get caught in an argument with the employee, just remain positive. Be enthusiastic! 11
The Paperwork 12
Ways to Give DoD Civilian and Military Personnel through your MyPay Account for Payroll Deduction CFC Nexus at: For pledges by Cash, Check, or Credit Card Paper copies for cash, check or payroll deduction 13
14 My Pay Slides
15 CFC Nexus Slides
Brochure Use ONLY 2013 Potomac CFC brochure. Or the online brochure at 3 Sections: Local/ National/ International. Use 5 digit code to designate agency. Cannot “write-in” an agency. Each agency must meet a strict set of guidelines in order to be listed in the brochure. The % at the end of each 25 word statement is the administration cost of the agency. Taxonomy Codes are included. Great resource for answering questions! 16
Pledge Cards Keyworker should review pledge cards for accuracy and legibility Ensure military branch of service is completed Minimum Contribution (for Payroll Deduction) MyPay or Paper Copy Pledges − Military Personnel is $2.00 per pay period − Civilian Personnel is $1.00 per pay period Make checks payable to the Potomac CFC Yellow Paper Copy and printed out copy from CFC Nexus goes in envelope. For Paper Pledges: White Copy goes to payroll processing office (Payroll Deduction Only). If cash or check, white copy goes back to employee. For Paper Pledges: Military Personnel Payroll Deductions require: Full SSN and signature/date. For Paper Pledges: Civilian Personnel Payroll Deductions require: Full SSN or Employee ID Number and signature/date. 17
*White – Payroll Copy *Yellow – CFC Copy *Pink – Donor *Turn in – Yellow ONLY White goes to the Payroll Office. * SSN# or Employee # is required for civilian donors – check with your payroll office The Pledge Card 16 John Doe Doe, John A. x USACIDC Telegraph Rd., Quantico, VA Oct Main St Hometown, VA Civilian Payroll Contribution 26 payroll periods Signature 1 Oct 2013
Military Payroll Contribution 12 payroll periods Doe, John A. x US Army, USACIDC Telegraph Rd., Quantico, VA Oct Main St Hometown, VA X X Signature 1 Oct 2012 NEW!! 17 Doe, John A. x USACIDC Telegraph Rd., Quantico, VA Oct Main St Hometown, VA *White – Payroll Copy *Yellow – CFC Copy *Pink – Donor *Turn in – Yellow ONLY White goes to the Payroll Office. * SSN# or Employee # is required for civilian donors – check with your payroll office Signature 1 Oct 2013 CHANGED!! The Pledge Card
Cash or Check Contribution (Civilian or Military) Doe, John A. x US Army, USACIDC Telegraph Rd., Quantico, VA Oct Main St Hometown, VA X X # Doe, John A. USACIDC Telegraph Rd., Quantico, VA Oct Note: If military – circle branch Yellow – CFC Copy *White and Pink – Donor Copies *Turn in – Yellow ONLY The Pledge Card
Your Name USACIDC G Telegraph Rd Quantico, VA (571) Mr. Steve Murane Report Envelope - Front 21
1 $ $ Your Signature/Date $ $ $ $ Report Envelope – Back 3 20 Report Envelope - Back Changed
Report Envelope and Turn Ins Complete the Report Envelope (Paper copies and CFC Nexus Pledges go into envelope). Attend Turn-ins Every Week Turn-in YELLOW COPY and Printed out CFC Nexus Pledge Copies. White copy goes to payroll processing office not in envelope Separate Military and Civilian, Payroll, Cash and Checks Keep Checks with the Pledge Cards Keep Cash with Pledge Cards Stay until a representative has verified the accuracy of the Report Envelope Collect incentives at the Turn-in Keep track of incentives - don’t forget to give incentives to donors! 23
Turn-in Dates BLDG. 101 Virginia Room 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM SEPTEMBER OCTOBER October 3 October 10 October 17 October 24 October 31 NOVEMBER November 7 November 14 November 21 DECEMBER December 5 December 12 December 19 (Late, as needed) 24
The Fun Stuff 25
Kick-Offs Dahlgren NSASP Kick-Off/Agency Fair Tuesday, October 8 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Parade Field NSASP - (Mobile) Tuesday, October 15 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Traveling Kick-off/Agency Fair 26 JWAC Kick-Off/Agency Fair Thursday, October 10 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Bldg. #1452
Incentives Lapel Pin Gift of $1 - $999 There is no set gift! Every donation counts! 27
Incentives Koolie Carry All Cooler Gift of $1,000 - $4,999 28
Incentives Irish Coffee Mug Gift of Over $5,000 29
Points to Remember Learn about the CFC Use the 2013 Brochure for information Encourage Online Giving at Make your own gift first Organize a group meeting/event If a group is not possible, begin making one-on-one requests for a contribution (September 1 – December 15) Say “Thank You” Review pledge cards for accuracy and readability Attend the Weekly Turn-Ins − First turn-in date is October 3rd Give out incentives Collect any old brochures/pledge cards and recycle them 30
Where Do I Go From Here? If you need further assistance contact: BM1 Jesus Lopez, Dahlgren Campaign Chairperson , DSN 234 Tammi Ellis, Potomac CFC ext. 310 Sharon Patrick, Potomac CFC Website: Potomac Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) 31
Any questions? Thank you for your time! 32