Sept 20 Sept 27 Oct 4 Oct 11 Camp White Branch Fundraising Sunday, October 11, 2015 information to used to project on an overhead as the representative goes over the speaker notes. Please call Lisa Switzer or John Kuykendall if any questions on the materials.
Sept 20 information : Hand out the Capital Campaign brochure and the pledge cards on this Sunday
Purchased: April 1958 by Association of Churches of God Location: McKenzie River, Oregon, on National Forest Land Purpose Statement: Provide a Christian camping experience for the COG ministries, with the purpose of bringing individuals to Christ and providing a beautiful setting for others to deepen their walk with Christ. Funding/Support: COG camps, donations, and rentals by outside groups Management: Elected and appointed Board of Directors and paid Camp Manager Needs Identified by Camp White Branch Board: Expand camp potential for year round Ensure the facility offering is competitive Make camp financially self-sustainable Did you know?
Capital Fund Campaign launched in 2013 to fund the construction of a multi-purpose building to support year round use of the camp by groups. Construction started in 2012 but additional funds are need to cover the cost of completion. “Imagine the Future…Leave a Legacy”
October 11 th, 2015 Camp White Branch Fund Raising Sunday Goal: $500,000 How might you be able to financially support this local Church of God ministry? Please pray for this upcoming fund raiser event!!