ODOT Traffic Standards Engineer Traffic Signal Design By David Greenberg P.E. ODOT Traffic Standards Engineer
Traffic Signal Design Human Resources Who every Designer should know TEOS Standards Engineer(s) TEOS Operations Engineer(s) Region Traffic Engineer(s) TSSU Lead Technician(s) Lead Electrician(s) for each Region
Traffic Signal Design Major Milestones Draft STIP Project Initiation Planning scope, schedule, and budget Project Initiation State Traffic Engineer (STE) approval letter based on engineering study Design Acceptance Layout of all equipment, poles, conduit, etc. Define all needed right-of-way Advanced Plans Detailed 90% complete plan sheets, special provisions, and estimates
Traffic Signal Design Major Milestones – Cont’ Final Plans TEOS approval, wet signed mylar plan sheets PS & E Submittal Pre-bid meetings Addenda Construction Support Cabinet prints Requests for information As-built plan sheets
Traffic Signal Design ODOT Expectations Request deviations from standards before Design Acceptance Advanced plan submittals will have STE approval letters Address all review comments Design according to ODOT standards Draft plan sheets to ODOT standards Use special provisions w/o modifications
Traffic Signal Design Performance Standards Internet, www.oregon.gov/ODOT/HWY/TRAFFIC/ ODOT Traffic Signal Policy and Guidelines ODOT Traffic Signal Design Manual ODOT Traffic Manual ODOT Special Provisions Oregon Standard Drawings Oregon Standard Specifications Pre-qualified materials; Blue Sheets Green Sheets Red Sheets
Traffic Signal Design Performance Standards – Cont’ Internet, www.oregon.gov/ODOT/HWY/TRAFFIC/ ODOT Sign Policy and Guidelines Oregon Supplements to the MUTCD ODOT Highway Design Manual Hard Copy Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices AASHTO Roadside Design Guide AASHTO, A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets National Electric Code (NEC) and National Electric Safety Code (NESC)
Traffic Signal Design • Latest Technologies, Practices & Standards New Standard Specifications & Drawings Under Development – Ready early 2007 New SM mast arm pole designs Current Standard – Replaces MP poles Flashing yellow arrow Current Standard – Replaces doghouse ATC Controller specification Under Development – Ready mid 2007
Traffic Signal Design Formal Training What every Traffic Signal Designer should take ODOT Traffic Signal Design Layout & Detailing – 2 Days Drafting & Plans Sheet Development – 2 Days Classes given based on demand ODOT Certified Traffic Signal Inspector Certification – 2 Days Re-Certification – 1 Day Classes given yearly; February through March
Traffic Signal Design Practical tips for working with ODOT When in doubt, use the Key Contacts List and call Submit early and often. We never refuse review requests. Requesting same day review is usually unacceptable. One week plus is reasonable. Plan accordingly.