China’s Trade & “Green” Procurement of Wood Products Gao Ya China Timber & Wood Products Distribution Association High Level Market Dialogue 20 Aug, 2013 Jakarta
1. China’s Wood Products Market
Consumption In 2011, China consumed 500 million m 3 of wood products (round wood equivalent), increased by 15.78% compared to 2010
2. China’s Wood Products Trade
Overview of 2012
Log & Lumber Importation (quantity), Log Lumber Total
Log Importation (quantity), Imported logs (10,000 m 3 ) Hardwood Softwood
Change % Russia % New Zealand % USA % Papua New Guinea % Canada % Solomon Islands % Australia % Burma % Congo % France % Log Importation (countries), Imported countries Russia NZL US PNG Canada Solomon Australia Others
Lumber Importation (quantity),
Lumber Importation (Countries), 2012
3. The Stories around China and Illegal Logging & Trade
Proportion of China’s Timber Import to Annual Timber Resource Increment in Selected Tropical Producing Countries Country Forest Area (10,000 ha) Forest Stock Volume (10,000 m3) Annual Timber Resource Increment (10,000 m3) China’s Log and Sawn Timber Import (10,000 m3) Proportion of China’s Timber Import to Annual Timber Resource Increment (%) Indonesia % Myanmar % Russia % Africa % Liberia % Mozambique % Viet Nam % Madagascar % Source: The State of the World’s Forest 2011 published by UNFAO and data from China Customs
4. “Green” Procurement of Timber and Wood Products
Landscape of “Green” Procurement of Timber & Wood Products in China Wood Promotion in Green Building Green Consumption Green Procurement FLEGT MOUs CTLVS EU-China BCM EU TR US Lacey PEFC FSCCFCC SFM VPAs FSC Certified Products PEFC Certified Products TFT GFTN Eco-Label System Australia Illegal Logging Bill