J. Levine5/21/02 NCSX ENVIRONMENT, SAFETY & HEALTH (ES&H) NCSX Conceptual Design Review (CDR) May 21, 2002
J. Levine5/21/02 Are ES&H aspects being properly addressed given the project's current stage of development?
J. Levine5/21/02 NEPA –Discussions held among PPPL, DOE/PAO, DOE/SC & DOE/EH on appropriate level of NEPA review. –Consensus to prepare brief EA (comparable to 10-page NSTX EA). –EA proposal sent to DOE/CH NEPA Compliance Officer on 4/25/02. –Expect formal approval from CH to prepare EA (DOE/EA- 1437) very soon.
J. Levine5/21/02 EA Schedule (Proposed) –Draft EA to Project & PPPL ERC for review: 7/15/02. –Draft EA, FONSI & State transmittal letter to DOE for review: 9/16/02. –DOE comments on Draft EA & FONSI received:11/1/02. –DOE comments resolved; DOE authorizes sending EA to State for review:12/1/02. –DOE-CH signs FONSI & approves EA:2/3/03. NCSX CD-26/03
J. Levine5/21/02 NCSX ES&H Considerations –PHA prepared based on NCSX plans & experience on comparable device (NSTX). –Experiments will use hydrogen, helium and deuterium; no tritium fuel. –Expected environmental emissions: Ci/yr tritium from D-D fusion (site limit: 500 Ci/yr); no 40CFR61 Subpart H (NESHAPS) issues. 10k-30k gal/week liquid nitrogen boiloff from cryostat No environmental permit needs anticipated.
J. Levine5/21/02 NCSX ES&H Considerations (cont’d) –Radiation exposure to public: <2 mrem/yr from tritium & direct radiation (site limit: 10 mrem/yr). –Radiation exposure to workers: <1000 mrem/yr, <600 mrem/qtr (PPPL Policy); collective dose controlled ALARA. 10CFR835 & ALARA requirements applied via ES&HD 5008 Section 10 & PPPL Health Physics Branch.
J. Levine5/21/02 NCSX ES&H Considerations (cont’d) –Material to be removed during construction (none are radioactive): 160 tons stainless steel 80 tons copper 5 tons aluminum Several tons plastics, wood & fiberglass –Metals will be recycled to the extent possible. –Except for D-Site to C-Site power cable run, all construction is indoors; disturbed area for cable run would be about 0.2 acre (non-sensitive area).
J. Levine5/21/02 NCSX ES&H Considerations (cont’d) –Wastes during construction & operation Small amounts of hazardous wastes (machinist coolant, used vacuum pump oil, epoxy/cements, waste solvents, solvent soaked rags) Asbestos (from modifications to NCSX Test Cell walls & floors) <1 mCi/yr of tritiated vacuum pump oil during operations (LLW)
J. Levine5/21/02 NCSX ES&H Considerations (cont’d ) Potential accident scenario: release of liquid nitrogen from the cryostat to the NCSX Test Cell. –Will be addressed in EA and safety documentation. Any required mitigation features (e.g., low oxygen alarms, administrative controls, etc.) will be incorporated into NCSX design and operations.
J. Levine5/21/02 ISM NCSX activities will be conducted using PPPL’s well- established policies and procedures that apply the principles and core functions of ISM. Safety goal for construction & operation is zero (0) occupational injuries or illnesses. Creation of new Laboratory ISM policies and procedures should not be required for NCSX.
J. Levine5/21/02 Examples of PPPL ISM elements to be applied by NCSX: –Safety reviews/oversight integrated into schedules & budgets for proposed activities. –NEPA review process (ESH-014) triggered. –Hazards identified, analyzed & categorized per procedures. –Hazards/mitigation documented in NEPA documents, Safety Assessment Documents, etc.
J. Levine5/21/02 Examples of PPPL ISM elements to be applied by NCSX: Hazard Controls –Installation, test & operating procedures –Design reviews –Job hazard analyses (JHAs) –Worker training –Line managers & workers involvement & responsibility –Oversight by ES&H professionals
J. Levine5/21/02 Examples of PPPL ISM elements to be applied by NCSX: Assessment & feedback –Contract performance metrics including worker injury/illness data –Line manager & facility manager safety walkthroughs –Laboratory Management Safety Walkthroughs –Internal audits –PAO surveillances –PPPL/PAO Unified Safety Reviews (USRs) –Plan-of-the-day meetings –Project team meetings –Toolbox safety meetings
J. Levine5/21/02 NCSX Safety Assessment Document (SAD) will be prepared prior to 1st plasma: –Overview of NCSX, including mission, goals, and objectives; –Descriptions of NCSX structures, systems and components, with emphasis on environment, safety and health (ES&H) features; –Identification of NCSX hazards and methods employed for their mitigation; and –A description of how operations will be conducted, with emphasis on ES&H features.
J. Levine5/21/02
Anticipate formation of independent joint PPPL/PAO team (“Activity Certification Committee”, ACC) to: –Conduct ES&H reviews of planned NCSX operations. –Make recommendations to PPPL management on whether to approve the startup of NCSX. –Review and make recommendations on future NCSX modifications that may significantly affect ES&H. ACC is typically composed of senior engineers, physicists and ES&H professionals
J. Levine5/21/02 The NCSX Project is incorporating ES&H into its plans and activities, and will draw on the well-established ISM culture and infrastructure at PPPL.