Channel Rehabilitation Projects TAMWG - June ‘04 Trinity River at Hocker Flat 1/16/2003
Effects of Trinity and Lewiston Dams on channel morphology and fish habitat at low flows at high flows Riparian berms
Rehabilitation Site Objectives Remove encroached riparian vegetation Take the “handcuffs” off the river Initiate natural river processes Re-scale floodplain for current and anticipated flow regime Allow the river to create needed habitat variety Revegetate in accordance with required permits
Hocker Flat Design and Area Delineation: Riverine Upland Staging/Access
Design Criteria Dry winter low water surface elevation Feathered edges Seasonal groundwater for revegetation 1.5 year recurrance frequency water surface elevation Floodplain excavation Theoretical river meander dimension Floodplain management considerations FEMA “Detailed Study Area” design restrictions
Engineering Design
Concept Cross-Sections
Hocker Flat Rehabilitation Site Property Ownership Smith Smith Merritt Bramlett Bailey Fornaciari Burke Helberg Bartoshek Smith /1500 Dills /3900 McLaughlin /0200 McDuffey
Hocker Flat Schedule Complete Public Scoping………………… July 2004 Begin Public Review Draft EA/EIR … … September 2004 Final EA/EIR …………………………... November 2004 Award Construction Contract …………... February 2005 Begin Construction …………………….. April 2005 Complete Construction ………………... September 2005 Initiate Revegetation …………………..... November 2005
Rehabilitation Sites Below Canyon Creek
Below Canyon Creek Schedule (4 sites) Complete Public Scoping………………… January 2005 Begin Public Review Draft EA/EIR … … February 2005 Final EA/EIR …………………………... May 2005 Award Construction Contract …………... August 2005 Begin Construction …………………….. September 2005 Complete Construction ………………... February 2006 Initiate Revegetation …………………..... November 2006 Complete Revegetation …………………..... March 2007
Channel and Floodplain Rehabilitation Sites
Channel Rehabilitation Sites (24) Implementation Schedule Rehabilitation Sites REVEG DESIGN, NEPA/CEQA CONST. Hocker Flat Sites Below Canyon Creek 10 Sites Below Lewiston Dam Remaining 9 Sites DESIGN, NEPA/CEQA CONST. REVEG.
Rehabilitation Site Issues FEMA Realty Revegetation Environmental Compliance
Environmental Compliance National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Requires federal agencies to analyze and disclose the environmental effects of their proposed actions Requires federal agencies to analyze and disclose the environmental effects of their proposed actions California Environmental Quality Act State equivalent to NEPA….. but ALSO – State equivalent to NEPA….. but ALSO – Requires REDUCING environmental effects Requires REDUCING environmental effects Both promote efforts to minimize environmental effects via public participation and documentation
NEPA: Federal Lead = Agency with primary responsibility for preparing an Env. Document Lead = Agency with primary responsibility for preparing an Env. Document U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Trinity River Restoration Program) Cooperating Agency = jurisdiction by law or special expertise U.S. Bureau of Land Management Cooperating Agency = jurisdiction by law or special expertise U.S. Bureau of Land Management CEQA: State Lead = State Agency with primary project responsibility Lead = State Agency with primary project responsibility California Department of Water Resources Responsible Agencies Responsible Agencies Trustee Agencies Trustee Agencies
Environmental Documents EA/EIR Hocker Flat: Fall 2004 EA/EIR Canyon Creek Suite: Spring 2005 EA/EIR Upstream 10: Fall/Winter 2006 EA/EIR Remaining 9: Fall/Winter 2007 MASTER EIR? - Site specific details Multiple Neg. Decs. EA/EIRs
Environmental Permits Army Corps of Engineers: Section 404 Clean Water Act permit Endangered Species Compliance: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration: Fisheries – Biological Opinion US Fish & Wildlife Service North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board: Section 401 Water Quality Certification California Department of Fish and Game: Section 1600 Streambed Alteration Agreement Trinity County Ordinances: Floodplain ordinance
Environmental Compliance Mercury Initial Studies Initial Studies Project Impacts to bioavailability & Trinity Project Impacts to bioavailability & Trinity Revegetation Balance mitigation vs. function Balance mitigation vs. function Pre-application Meetings (options to consolidate) Timing of construction Timing of construction Sediment control Sediment control Vegetation removal Vegetation removal
Photo of mining on Hocker flat from Jim Smith