Designation Program Re-Structured Team WorkWell Roadmap & Application Sonja Dordal | November 5, 2013
Background Pilot programs that established foundation of designation program – funded by Senate Bill 5930 from July 2007-June Washington Wellness Worksite (W3) – 18 mos Silver, Gold, Platinum levels 11 State Agencies and 1 Higher Ed Institution were awarded designation Five agencies awarded for the second time 1 Higher Ed Institution recognized for achieving significant commitment 2
Reasons for the Re-Design Want more organizations to participate Process intimidating, confusing Application itself cumbersome Levels not well-defined Length awkward Want a team approach – everyone on board working toward the same end goals “Designation” more top-down Open to a name change Name vague 3
Re-Design Process Formed a small Re-Design Team Researched best practice standards CDC Scorecard Health & Human Services, Healthy People 2020 HERO (Health Enhancement Research Org) Scorecard WELCOA (Wellness Councils of America) Benchmarks and Checklist Researched worksite wellness type awards Golden Apple Award (Healthy Worksite Summit) WellCity (Association of Washington Cities) Fit-Friendly Company Award (American Heart Association) Corporate Health and Productivity Management Awards (Institute for Heath & Productivity Management or IHPM) Value-based Health Awards (IHPM) Koop Awards (Health Enhancement Research Org) Psychologically Healthy Workplace Award (Amer Psychol Asso) Well Workplace Awards (WELCOA) 4
Re-Design Recommendations Team made recommendations based on research Consulted WW Advisory Group Recommended these structures: 8 Best Practice Standards Leadership support Organization of roles/program management Needs Assessment/data Plan/identify goals and objectives Implementation: programs/interventions Environmental structures Communications/Health and program promotion/employee engagement Evaluation 5
Re-Design Recommendations Further structural recommendations: One award for both state agencies and higher ed One level with flexibility for differences between organizations (required and optional items) Establish length at 12 months Have a specific application deadline (Feb 1 st ) Include clear expectations Include a mentor/mentee opportunity 6
Re-Design Recommendations Further structural recommendations: Application and re-application must be easy Re-application = simple checklist These not yet operational: Application should be completed online Consider ‘special recognition’ awards in addition to the basic award Consider having different special awards for state agencies/higher ed Consider making innovation a motivator – potentially awarding program innovation 7
Re-Design as Team Most major difference is our team approach Get all on the “Wellness Bus” JOINING up with minimal requirements Use the “Roadmap” USE the roadmap as a structural guide Start where you are Get (and give) support/tools/help Get recognized USE the roadmap as an application to get recognized and get the Award 8
Re-Branding Efforts Criteria for the name: Focus on teamwork Bold, Action-Oriented Energetic Concise Appropriate for Diverse audiences Easily spelled and pronounced Memorable Timeless Trademark possible 9
New Names! Team WorkWell Bold, energetic, concise Conveys spirit of WW – inclusion, solidarity, accomplishment. Leading with “Team” (positive, belonging, support) WorkWell – double meaning (working well together & positive impact on broader workforce) Zo 8 Award Fun, memorable, more empty vessel Greek = “living” or “live” Adds visual interest and links directly to 8 best practice standards Given in recognition of ‘living’ the 8 best practice standards for workplace wellness Logo & Tagline Not yet finalized 10
Join Today! Participation: Leadership support & Coordinator Executive Order (instructs agencies to take part) Results Washington (we’ll report on participation and progress toward the 8 standards) Joining Team WorkWell, application short and ready now Commit to joining by end 2013 WorkWell Roadmap & Zo 8 Award Application Ready mid-November 11
Sample of the Roadmap 12
Questions? 13
Contact us Washington Wellness State Agencies: Sonja Dordal, Higher Education:Pam Walker,