Target Audience
PRESENTATION TITLE OPTIONAL Barriers Those addressed by BR Strategy Those addressed by SM Strategy Example: Loss of income by not cutting upper watershed forest Bee boxes given in exchange for signing agreement not to cut/burn forest Materials promote income value of honey from bee boxes Example: No knowledge of perimeter of NTZ Buoys placed on perimeter of NTZ Posters with pictures of the buoys promoting staying out of the NTZ Loose Status as great fisher Community Mobilization – social support Approval of NTZ Enforcement Committee Signature of Mayor List the Barriers
PRESENTATION TITLE OPTIONAL Barriers Those addressed by BR Strategy Those addressed by SM Strategy Tangible Barriers Social Barriers Emotional Barriers List the Barriers
Audience Persona A narrative description of your target audience using one member to typify the entire audience
Age Education Gender (split) Ethnicity Size of the target audience Attitudes Values Interests Worries Current behaviors What is important to this target audience member? Benefits of the current behavior Benefits to trigger the new behavior? Barriers Motivational levers for behavior change? Audience Persona
Qualitative Questions to Aid Audience Persona 5. What does your target audience perceive as the benefit(s) in carrying out the new behaviors? 5. What does your target audience perceive as the benefit(s) in carrying out the new behaviors? 4 4. What does your target audience perceive as the barrier(s) to taking on the new behavior(s)? 3. Are there audiences that have major influence over your target audience (i.e. key influencers)? 1. Why is the target audience carrying out their current behavior(s)? 7. Who does the target audience trust as an information source?
Age Education Gender (split) Ethnicity Size of the target audience Attitudes Values Interests Worries Current behaviors What is important to this target audience member? Benefits of the current behavior Benefits to trigger the new behavior? Barriers Motivational levers for behavior change? Audience Persona Take a few minutes and create your audience persona
Benefits Exchange – the compelling value proposition
Benefits Exchange 5. What does your target audience perceive as the benefit(s) in carrying out the new behaviors? Where do you get the data to create your Benefits Exchange? 4. What does your target audience perceive as the barrier(s) to taking on the new behavior(s)?
Now develop your team’s Benefits Exchange
The Pride Marketing Mix is a Strategy - built from five component strategies product price place promotion positioning One Each
Learning Objectives Craft the 5 Ps and the ‘Mix’ for the Mini Campaign. Identify key data and decisions associated with Marketing Mix.
Product / Behavior
This “P” must speak to all the barriers as identified by your target audience: Tangible Barriers – Financial, Political, Enforcement, Technical, Physical But also what often can be as large: Social and Emotional Barriers BR often speaks to the tangible, SM addresses the social & emotional, but your Price strategy must address all that are perceived by TA
Barrier Removal Revisit your list of Barriers What changed, what is not addressed by your BR strategy that has to be addressed by Marketing Mix
Barrier Removal is Reducing the Price
Place Where, and when can you offer the exchange to your target audience How do you maximize impact of your message by targeting how it is delivered
At Rare we add a 5th P Positioning How the Target Audience sees the new behavior in relation to the old.
Positioning Positioning in a Pride campaign is also often dependent in a major way on community mobilization – Pride – Support of the behavior change – Making the old behavior less socially acceptable – Making the behavior more sustainable Community Mobilization can make a powerful positioning statement
Its time to build the Mix – blending all 5 Ps product price place promotion positioning
Marketing Mix “I believe the genius of modern marketing is not the 4P’s, or audience research, or even exchange, but rather the management paradigm that studies, selects, balances and manipulates the 4P’s to achieve behavior change. We keep shortening the “the marketing mix” to the 4P’s. And I would argue that it is the “mix” that matters most.” This is exactly what all message campaigns miss – they never ask about the other 3P’s and that is why so many of them fail. Dr. Bill Smith
Now it is time to develop your Marketing Mix Marketing Mix ProductPricePlacePromotionPositioning First – Think about your audience persona and your benefits exchange Second – Develop a sub- strategy for each “P” Third – Blend the five sub- strategies into a single strategy or “Mix”
What makes a Marketing Mix Good or Bad? GOOD – Clearly based on your qualitative research – Is clearly positioned from the perspective of your target audience – In reviewing it – you have one clear direction of what you are doing and communicating to your target audience BAD – Not rooted in your Qualitative Research – Not clearly thought through from 5 different perspectives – Does not come together in ONE CLEAR strategy – the Mix
Put your questions on half-sheets as you work Checklists and worksheets behind YELLOW sheets Products behind BLUE sheets Barriers Worksheet TAB 2 Worksheet and Checklist Audience Persona TAB 5 Audience Persona – Worksheet and Checklist TAB 5 Benefits Exchange – TAB 5 Benefits Exchange TAB 5 Checklist Marketing Mix worksheet TAB 6 Checklist, Worksheet Marketing Mix Certification Packet