TANet VoIPv4/v6 service Computer Center of M.O.E APAN29 VoIP WG.


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Presentation transcript:

TANet VoIPv4/v6 service Computer Center of M.O.E APAN29 VoIP WG

Agenda What is TANet The begin of the story SIP peering is the most important The status and traffic What we try to do in the past and future Conclusion

What is TANet

The begin of the story SIP/ENUM trial SIPv6 trial IPOX-070 ALL IP ~~

5 SIP based VoIPv6 Trial (2004) SIP Proxy Server Over IPv6 SIPv6 Proxy Server SIPv6 Softphone IPv6 Show Room (Hsinchu) IPv6 Show Corner (Taipei) SIPv6 Softphone International Trial (Japan / Korea / …) SIPv6 Proxy Server SIPv6 Softphone PSTN Network PSTN GW PSTN Local Switch / NCTU / NTHU / NCKU / NSYSU (Campus Users) IPv6 Network PSTN Network Smartphone SIPv6 Softphone SIPv6 Softphone SIPv6 Softphone Smartphone ( Taipei and Shinchu )

Then The whole MOE use VoIP. We build the individual network cable for VoIP.

TANet SIP eXchange 1.M.O.E VoIP service. 2.Area Computer center VoIP service 3.Country education computer VoIP service 4.End device with IPv4/IPv6 1.Why VoIPv6+ SIP = success 1.Provide the large number for use need the public address 2.VoIP user care the IPv6/IPv4 network quality SIP peering is the most important

The full picture 進行中 Country education computer center Area education computer center University Other country MOE CC TANet SIP eXchange Country education computer center

Where to buy the devices? With special channel ? With special contact person? NO, it sales on the open market.

Certification services for VoIP phone National Ilan university National Taiwan university National Chi Nan university Educational Network Center of TAINAN city

各大學建置現況 ( 已調查 134 校為例 ) 連線跨單 ( 區縣市 ) 位總互撥通數數量圖 連線單位通話總分鐘數圖 The status and traffic 25 counties all provide the VoIPv4/VoIPv6 SIP proxy service 2010/1 University : 134 universities. NO service: 51 units / 38%Online: 28 units / 21% working: 55 units / 41% How many calls between different unit per month. How much time we use the VoIP service

VoIP can use in various ways. 1.learning help system. 2.Homework. 3.VXML 4.Daily note… Application for e-learning

What we try to do in the past and future share Share with others Peering with others Application eLearning promotion Activities in taiwan Build The VoIPv4/v6 platform

Conclusion All of the country education computers provide the VoIPv4/VoIPv6 now 。 At least users use the VoIPv6/v4 service in TANet 。 Who want to peering with us ….with IPv6 & IPv4?