Welcome to RELA-Week at a Glance Oct. 1-5, 2012 MONTUEWEDTHURFRI DO NOW: KNOWSYS update ISN School Pictures KNOWSYS Practice w Partners- narrative HW: Study vocabulary DO NOW: KNOWSYS Practice Grammar- Sentence Foundations- Compound & Complex Sentences- Practice HW: Study vocabulary DO NOW: KNOWSYS Practice QuickWrite “The Hero’s Journey” in film Partner Project HW: study vocabulary DO NOW: KNOWSYS Practice QuickWrite “The Hero’s Journey” in film Partner Project ISN Test HW: Unit #4 Quiz Friday DO NOW: KNOWSYS review Vocabulary: Quiz#5 “The Hero’s Journey” in myths “Perseus”
AGENDA: October 1, 2012 Get ISN I can… determine the meanings of 8 th grade vocabulary using context clues and a dictionary. DO NOW: Agenda & staple KNOWSYS group 5; HOUSEKEEPING- Update ISN Vocabulary: KNOWSYS Practice with a Partner- Narrative Text School Pictures Today!
AGENDA: October 2, 2012 Get ISN I can… use subordinating conjunctions correctly to fix sentence errors. DO NOW: Agenda & KNOWSYS Vocabulary Practice Grammar Bytes: Comma Splices & Fused Sentences Notes: Simple, Compound, Complex Sentences Sentence Repairs with 9:00 partner EXIT: Write a compound sentence with coordinating conjunction & punctuation. HW: study vocabulary
AGENDA: October 3, 2012 Get ISN I can… I can analyze & explain elements of the hero’s journey from a film. DO NOW: Agenda & Knowsys Practice Hero’s Journey “The Lion King” Quick Write Analyze film for stages of the hero’s journey EXIT: Is the Lion King a true hero? Explain. HW: study vocabulary
AGENDA: October 4, 2012 Get ISN I can… I can analyze & explain elements of the hero’s journey from a film. DO NOW: Agenda & Knowsys Practice Hero’s Journey “The Lion King” Quick Write Analyze film for stages of the hero’s journey EXIT: What is the most important stage in the hero’s journey? HW: KNOWSYS Unit #5 Quiz Friday
AGENDA: October 5, 2012 Get ISN I can… explain the hero’s journey elements in a fairy tale. DO NOW: Agenda & KNOWSYS review Vocabulary: KNOWSYS Quiz #5 12:00 Reading: “Perseus” Jigsaw- Stages of the Hero’s Journey Hero’s Journey (we do) EXIT: Is Perseus a hero? If not, who is? What makes a person a hero? Philosophical Chairs