This brief quiz is made up of 4 questions and tests your professional thinking abilities All questions are straightforward so there is no need to cheat!
1 st Question: How do we place a giraffe in a fridge?
Correct answer: Open the fridge, place the giraffe inside and close the fridge door. This question examines whether you have the inclination to complicate matters.
2 nd Quest: How do we place an elephant into the fridge?
Wrong answer: Open the fridge, place the elephant inside and close the door. Correct answer: Open the fridge, remove the giraffe, place the elephant inside and close the door. This question examines your ability to think through the consequences of your actions.
3 rd Question The king of the animals organizes a meeting. All animals except one are present. Which animal is absent?
Correct answer: The elephant. The elephant is in the fridge. Remember? This question tests your memory.
OK, even if you didn’t answer the first four questions correctly you still have one opportunity to prove yourself
4 th Question: You have to cross a river. The river is inhabited by crocodiles. How will you get across?
Correct answer: You fearlessly swim across. All the crocodiles are at the meeting organized by the lion. This question tests whether you learn from your mistakes.
According to Andersen Consulting Worldwide 90% of the professionals questioned answered incorrectly to all questions. But many kindergarten children answered correctly to most of them. Andersen Consulting Worldwide claims that this discredits the theory that most professionals have the mind of a four year old.