What is it? And Where did it come from? Psychodyanmic Approach- based on the idea that thoughts and emotions are important causes of behavior Sigmund Freud: –Creator –Breuer and Anna “O” case
Psychoanalysis Main theme of Freud’s work Psychoanalysis- it emphasizes the recovery of unconscious conflicts, motives, and defenses through therapeutic techniques Goal: help patient gain insight about themselves and their problems Moving unconscious thoughts or feelings from the unconscious level to conscious level
The Three Dimensions of the Mind
Therapeutic Applications Free Association- a patient spontaneously express their thoughts and exactly as they occur with as little censorship as possible Dream Analysis- the therapist interprets the symbolic meaning of the client’s dream(s) Transference-occurs when patients unconsciously begin relating to their therapist in ways that mimic their critical relationships
Defense Mechanisms Repression –Most common –Act of forgetting Denial –Refusing to accept reality –Hazardous to health Displacement –Shifting feelings –More acceptable substitute
Defense Mechanisms Projection –Unacceptable aspects of oneself is attributed to another Reaction-Formation –Displaying the opposite impulse Sublimation –Healthy –Dealing with feelings in a socially acceptable manner
Psychosexual stages of Development Personality developed in stages based upon sexual pleasures Central theme: Sexuality Fixation-an arrest in personal development caused by unresolved difficulties in a given stage Regression-adapt some of the feelings or behaviors inherent to earlier stages
Psychosexual Stages of Development Oral Stage –Birth to 11/2 years –Baby nurses from mom –Bond develops –Feeding dominant activity –Biting occurs –Learning to control urges –Oral fixation Smoking Overeating Nail biting
Psychosexual Stages of Development Anal Stage –11/2 to 3 years –Learn to use toilet –Perceives this ability as a control agent for parents –Anal Fixation Anal Retentive –Sloppy and non- conforming Anal Expulsive –Very clean conforming
Psychosexual Stages of Development Phallic Stage –3 to 6 years –Children learn to explore their body –Oedipal Complex Greek Myth-Oedipus Boys develop strong affinity for mom and hate dad Girls adore father and renounce mom Child begins to form relationship with same-sex parent
Psychosexual Stages of Development Latency stage –6 to 12 years –Sexuality is not evident –Children tend to purse other activities such as school, sports, toys, etc. –Tend to form same-sex relationships
Psychosexual Stages of Development Genital Stage –13 to adult –Learn to control urges –Tendency for regression –Early conflicts –Ex: Bill Clinton
The Psychic Structure Three parts of the mind –Id Basic energy in mind Unorganized operates on Pleasure Principle –Superego Norms or rules exclusively dictate our behavior and thoughts –Ego Self as we know it Balance of Id and Superego
The Psychic Structure Primary thinking process –Id controls behavior –Inability to discriminate between real and unreal –Inability to inhibit impulses –Immediate satisfaction without regard to rules –Characteristic of childhood –Shift goals in order to achieve gratification
The Psychic Structure Secondary Process Thinking –Reality oriented –Characteristic of older children and adults –Dependent on ego –Maladaptation exists when primary processes play an overriding role in adults’ behavior
Neo-Freudians Not everyone perceive Psychoanalysis as legitimate Taboo: associating sexual desires with child development Neo-Freudians modified Freud’s thinking Most studied under Freud
Neo-Freudians Carl Jung and Alfred Adler Both students of Freud More optimistic about human nature Less emphasis on basic drive or desire Individuals have more choice in their lives Focused on role of society and religion
Neo-Freudian Eric Erikson was another student of Freud Developed a model that countered Freud’s Psychosexual theory Psychosocial Approach –Child development influenced by socialization –Similar principles Development occurs in stages Must overcome a crisis to advance
Conclusion Review –Psychoanalysis and its therapeutic approaches –Three kinds of consciousness –Defense Mechanisms –The Psychic Structure –Psychosexual Model –Neo-Freudians
Conclusion Tomorrow lesson: –Humanitarian Approach Carl Rogers and Abe Maslow Classroom Discussion on Project Homework Due! Have a good day!!