T.B & HIV Quiz
T.B Questions 1.What is it caused by? 2.Risk Factors? 3.Symptoms of primary infection 4.Symptoms of active TB? 5.The fever experienced causes the neutrophils to release chemicals that affect? 6.How is it diagnosed?
Answers 1.Bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis 2.Poor living conditions, weakened I.S, HIV, smoking 3.Can be symptomless, inflammatory response, T-Cells suppressed, tubercules (dead bacteria in tissue mass) 4.Coughing (up blood) Breathless, weight loss, suppressed appetite, fever, fatigue 5.Hypothalamus 6.Skin tests, blood tests, ID bacteria, X- rays
HIV/AIDS Questions 1.What does AIDS stand for? 2.Describe the structure of HIV 3.What 2 things does HIV do? 4.Symptoms of acute phase? 5.Symptoms of chronic phase 6.Risk Factors
Answers 1.Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 2.Enveloped lipid virus, gp120 molecules, m- RNA, viral proteins 3.Hijacks host cell’s protein synthesis & Invades T-Helper cells 4.Fever, sweats, Swollen glands, headache 5.Colds, slow recovery, TB/Shingles re- appear 6.Unprotected sex (all types), needles, STD’s, Mum-baby