PROPOSED PUBLIC POLICY: MUNICIPAL ORDINANCES The Municipality of San Jerónimo is the entity responsible to set the destination of the wastewater. The government must perform clean-up campaigns to improve the condition of the Huatanay River. Sensitize people to care for the river. Do projects for each district to improve the health of the people. Create agencies to be responsible for overseeing this work, a “regulatory” team composed of professionals related to the theme (sewage) for monitoring and proper development of the project.
The river Huatanay must be cared for by the residents of the area, since they are more exposed to pollution and getting different diseases as cholera, skin infections and stomach infections. The City of St. Jerome is responsible to the people living in a balanced environment suitable for the development of his life, likewise, to preserve the natural landscape. The City of San Jeronimo has the duty and responsibility to set the destination of the wastewater. Establishing areas where it is forbidden to discharge wastewater from industrial sources or urban or rural domestic to Huatanay River Basin.
Create a negotiating team composed of professionals related to the theme (sewage) for monitoring and proper development of the project The technical team will be chaired by the special project management institute regional water and environment - IMA, and consists of the following institutions: District Municipality of San Jeronimo services firm Silk Cusco SA Local Water Authority Cusco, Regional natural resource management Environmental Management Special Project Plan COPESCO regional Other applying to participate after evaluation of technical equipment
THE ADVANTAGES OF THESE POLICIES Control and treat wastewater. Assess the quality of the river basin Huatanay and determine the critical points of contamination. Assess the quality of discharged industrial wastewater and compare with the regulations for industrial wastewater. Assess water quality, the treatment of water and control the pollution in the Huatanay River.
THE DISADVANTAGES OF THESE POLICIES ARE: - Makes any project too expensive and too time-consuming. - The location of this wastewater treatment plant is wrong for the habitants of San Jeronimo and they always complain to the government. - This project needs more studies and investigation because the government of San Jeronimo is against it. - The incapacity of the government is incredible because this project is old and the authority don’t do anything for realize this project.
SAN JERONIMO SHOULD BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CARRYING OUT THE PROPOSED POLICY: As an entity responsible for ordering and organizing the community; As part of the municipal proposal which ensures the health and integrity of its people. However, the authorities do nothing to avoid the contamination. The government says that organizing clean-up campaigns “would be in vain” because people do not have an environmental education and they continue throwing garbage into the river.
“PRESUPUESTO PARTICIPATIVO” According to Law 28056, local and regional goverments promote the participation of civil society, discuss public policy and should be organized in such a way as to ask or create projects in favor of civil society.
THE POLICY BEING PROPOSED IS CONSTITUTIONAL BECAUSE: Article 2. Everyone has the right: 22. A peace, tranquility, leisure and rest, and to enjoy a balanced environment suitable for the development of his life. Article PROHIBITION OF POLLUTANTS DOWNLOAD. It prohibited the discharge of pollutants that cause degradation ecosystems or alter the quality of environment, no precautions taken to debugging. The competent authority shall be responsible for implementing control measures and sampling to ensure compliance with this provision.