ASSE Leadership Conference Presented October 5, 2012 Jeff Camplin, CSP, CPEA Vice-President, CoPS Council on Practices and Standards Officer Guidance – Part #1 1
Our Outline and Agenda: What actually is CoPS? What are the synergies? Practices and Standards Chapter Chair? Practice specialties and Chapter STARS? Council on Practices and Standards Officer Guidance 2
The mission of the Council on Practices and Standards, (CoPS): The mission of this Council is development and enhancement of the (Safety, Health, and Environmental) SH&E Body of Knowledge (BoK) as the mentor of Goal #5 under the ASSE Strategic Plan. Council on Practices and Standards What is CoPS all about??? 3
* Academics*Construction * Consultants*Engineering * Environmental*Ergonomics * Fire Protection*Healthcare * Industrial Hygiene*International * Management*Manufacturing * Mining*Oil & Gas * Public Sector *Transportation * Risk Management/Insurance Council on Practices and Standards The Practice Specialties 4
*Agricultural*Health & Wellness *Human Resources*Legal Services *Military*Service *Utilities*Training & Communications Council on Practices and Standards The Branches 5
Blacks in Safety Engineering (BISE) Safety Professionals & the Latino Workforce (SPALW) Women in Safety Engineering (WISE) Young Professionals in SH&E Council on Practices and Standards The Common Interest Groups 6
CoPS has a simple philosophy with several key points: We must Exist for the Membership! Without the membership there is no CoPS, Practice Specialties, CIGs, or Branches. We must Bring Value to the Membership! The members expect to receive something in return for their monetary investment in their Practice Specialty membership and it is important that we be able to provide this. This is also an obstacle for chapters and members. We must Place the Highest Priority on the Society, its Membership and the Profession! The Council and Practice Specialties must work in support of the Society's mission and vision, not their own individual interests. Council on Practices and Standards Our Philosophy 7
Our main focus in regards to chapters is to better integrate CoPS into the mainstream of the Society by bringing value to the Membership, Society and the Profession through Councils, Regions and Chapters. Council on Practices and Standards Our Focus 8
The Council and Practices Specialties recognizes the fact that a gap exists with the Regions and Chapters as far as their understanding of the Council and the value that CoPS groups bring to their membership. Council on Practices and Standards Bridging the Gap 9
Sharing of materials from publications for use with chapters and with CoPS. Identification of active members to write materials and give presentations. Identify materials to enhance the ASSE Body of Knowledge (BoK). Move SH&E forward as a global issue. Council on Practices and Standards The Synergies 10
The Council and Practices Specialties recommends: Each Chapter and Region have an practice specialty member serving as a liaison to CoPS. Work with CoPS to spread the word on the benefits of being a member. Council on Practices and Standards Recommendation – Chapter Chair 11
We can assist via: Use of CoPS materials in chapter and regional publications. Assist with finding technical speakers for chapter meetings and PDCs. Council on Practices and Standards STARS – How we can help? 12
Krista Sonneson Manager, Practice Specialties American Society of Safety Engineers 1800 E. Oakton St., Des Plaines, IL / Tim Fisher, CSP, CHMM, CPEA, ARM Director, Practices and Standards American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) 1800 East Oakton Street Des Plaines, IL / Council on Practices and Standards Staff Contacts 13
We greatly appreciate your time today! Please visit the CoPS site at: Jeffery C. Camplin, CSP, CPEA Vice President, Council on Practices and Standards Cell: Council on Practices and Standards Conclusion and Appreciation 14