Highlights of John 6  Feeding the Multitude  Walking on the Water  Jesus’ teaching.


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Presentation transcript:

Highlights of John 6  Feeding the Multitude  Walking on the Water  Jesus’ teaching

Christianity Is A Taught Religion

 John 6:68  John 6:26  John 6:44-45  Psalm 119:97-104

Taught Christianity Is A Taught Religion  We can read books and get opinions on the best way to evangelize our community.  We can have special events or attractive draws.  There is only one way to really bring people to God.  They must be taught God’s will.

fought  Christianity is not a fought religion.  John 6:15  John 18:36  2 Timothy 2:24-26

Taught Christianity Is A Taught Religion bought  Christianity is not a bought religion.  John 6:26  John 6:29-31

caught  Christianity is not a caught religion.  John 6:70-71  Matthew 5:16

Taught Christianity Is A Taught Religion  The realities of a taught religion.  It is boring.  Doesn’t always look successful.  Matthew 7:13-14, John 6:68-69