CTAP 310 Technology Integration: Standards and Beyond FINAL PRESENTATION Susan Lafo Mtn. Empire High School, Pine Valley History of Computers
CTAP 310:Technology Integration: Standards and Beyond FINAL PRESENTATION Susan Lafo, Mtn. Empire High School History of the Computer My name is Susan Lafo. I am the Technology Foundations teacher at Mtn. Empire High School. For this program, I was interested in developing a capstone activity which would incorporate both the course’s Internet Search Unit and the PowerPoint Unit. My Lesson and Myself
CTAP 310:Technology Integration: Standards and Beyond FINAL PRESENTATION Susan Lafo, Mtn. Empire High School History of the Computer My Expectations In this course, I expected to: Learn how to align a project to State Standards. Develop a lesson combining the course’s Internet Research Unit with the PowerPoint Unit. Learn how to develop rubrics for projects.
CTAP 310:Technology Integration: Standards and Beyond FINAL PRESENTATION Susan Lafo, Mtn. Empire High School History of the Computer My Realities As expected, I learned: How to develop standards-based lesson plans. How to develop rubrics. Two unexpected, additional learning experiences: I learned how to build an Access database I could use in the classroom. I modified the pre and post skills assessment tests and gave to my students, which proved invaluable.
CTAP 310:Technology Integration: Standards and Beyond FINAL PRESENTATION Susan Lafo, Mtn. Empire High School History of the Computer Successes Students: Became engrossed with their online research. Gained a lot of practice in attaching files to Learned to cooperate as a team Learned the importance of copying the URL with research notes. Used the rubrics which helped immensely with project development.
CTAP 310:Technology Integration: Standards and Beyond FINAL PRESENTATION Susan Lafo, Mtn. Empire High School History of the Computer Shortcomings Quite a few groups needed a team specific checklist of important inventions and people More time needed to be given to online research Attachments were blocked requiring that I unblock them Attendance problems affected group outcomes
CTAP 310:Technology Integration: Standards and Beyond FINAL PRESENTATION Susan Lafo, Mtn. Empire High School History of the Computer Student data Comparing Pre and Post PowerPoint Skills Assessments The assessments were lumped into 6 categories and averaged.
CTAP 310:Technology Integration: Standards and Beyond FINAL PRESENTATION Susan Lafo, Mtn. Empire High School History of the Computer Basic Work This is an example of a basic work. Too many thoughts per page. No supporting graphic.
CTAP 310:Technology Integration: Standards and Beyond FINAL PRESENTATION Susan Lafo, Mtn. Empire High School History of the Computer Proficient Work This is an example of a project that meets the standards. Good title, text and appropriate graphic
CTAP 310:Technology Integration: Standards and Beyond FINAL PRESENTATION Susan Lafo, Mtn. Empire High School History of the Computer Advanced Work This is an example of a project that exceeds the standards of the assignment. The team went beyond what was contained in the rubrics, included more detailed information
CTAP 310:Technology Integration: Standards and Beyond FINAL PRESENTATION Susan Lafo, Mtn. Empire High School History of the Computer Lesson Revisions I will group frequently absent students together. I will give a checklist to the teams so they know the major people and inventions for the period they have been assigned. I will require a storyboard to make sure the teams are on the right track.
CTAP 310:Technology Integration: Standards and Beyond FINAL PRESENTATION Susan Lafo, Mtn. Empire High School History of the Computer Summary An indirect lesson I learned by this experience is to make sure the objectives of a project are clearly stated to the student at the very beginning. I’ve found how frustrating it is when you do not know what is expected of you. The use of rubrics was the best lesson. By using rubrics,the students know exactly what is expected of them and how the project will be graded.
CTAP 310:Technology Integration: Standards and Beyond FINAL PRESENTATION Susan Lafo, Mtn. Empire High School History of the Computer Concluding Statement Since the State of California has not adopted Standards for Computer Technology courses, I used the Applied Arts Standards. I feel that my greatest professional growth was in learning how to develop grading rubrics by incorporating standards. This way, all students are expected to meet the standards in a way that is easy for them to understand. An additional bonus were the skills assessments we took. I found it very useful to redo them slightly and give to my students. A very good assessment tool.