Chapter 1: The World in 1500
1.1 Societies of North America
Were there people in North America before Columbus “discovered” it?
Where did they come from?
How did they get here? Beringia
Were they doing okay with out European intervention? 1. 1. 2. Anasazi- Arizona 3. pottery 4. basket 5. mound builders-W. Virginia 6. iroquois league – New York 7. petroglyphs - Utah
Would they had been better off if Europeans hadn’t found them?
1.2 Europe
Prior to the “ discovery” of America, Europe was experiencing the Middle Ages (Dark Ages)
During this time, the Crusades take place war by Christians to take back “Holy Land” from Muslims while fighting they decided Asia was a good place to shop!!
Renaissance “Rebirth” in art and learning -new inventions (i.e. - printing press) Brings Europe out of the “Dark Ages”
Reformation During this time only one religion allowed in Europe – Roman Catholic Church Martin Luther criticized Catholic Church Eventually split Christianity into Catholic & Protestant
1.3 Early European Explorers
Portugal led the way….. Bartholomeu Dias - first to reach the tip of Africa Vasco de Gama – first to sail around Africa and reach Asia
I can find a better way to Asia!! Christopher Columbus I can find a better way to Asia!! Plan to reach Asia by sailing west He thought …. Short trip Smaller earth Larger Asia No land in between!!!
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain agreed to pay. They wanted… $$$ from trade Spread Catholicism
I told you I could find a better way to Asia!! He left in 1492 – took 70 days (not 21)!! thought he had reached the Indies (islands in SE Asia) greeted by Taino - called them Indians I told you I could find a better way to Asia!!
made 3 more trips to the Americas MAP he died believing he had reached Asia
Ch. 2 : European Exploration of the Americas 1570
2.1 Spain Claims an Empire
What important feats are credited to the following: Amerigo Vespucci? –realized Columbus didn’t reach Asia – America is named for him That place Columbus went was so NOT Asia!
Vasco Nunez de Balboa? - 1st to reach Pacific Ocean – did so by crossing Panama
Ferdinand Magellan? - crew was first to circumnavigate world
We are just here for the gold! Hernando Cortez? – defeated Aztecs, gained riches for Spain Welcome to our land. We are just here for the gold!
Yeah!! More Gold for Spain! Francisco Pizarro? – conquered the Incas, more riches for Spain Yeah!! More Gold for Spain!
How did 100s of conquistadors defeat 1000s of Aztec & Incas?? brought germs that caused disease
Had guns, horses, armor
Made alliances with their enemies
2.2 European Competition in North America
#2. Why did so many nations look for the Northwest Passage? Still trying to get to Asia by water
#3. Why do Spain & England not get along? Religion – Spain is Catholic England is Protestant $$$ – English stealing from Spanish ships Power - Spain claimed all of America – told others to keep out!
We are Protestant. We don’t take orders from the Pope! You can’t keep us out either! The Pope said the New World was ours!! Keep out!
#4. Multi Flow map……
Defeat of the Spanish Armada Spain’s image suffered – no longer Spain wants to take over England AND make it Catholic Spain’s image suffered – no longer unbeatable Defeat of the Spanish Armada 21 miles Spanish Armada is sent to fight in the English Channel – the large ships can’t maneuver England gets to remain independent AND Protestant Armada retreats – is hit by a severe storm and barely makes it home Other nations will challenge Spain’s claims to the “new world”
fur trade with Native Americans # 5. Why did the French and Dutch establish their first settlements in the Northeast ? What economic activity were they engaged in? looking for the Northwest Passage fur trade with Native Americans
2.3: The Impact of Colonization
How did the Spanish mistreat Native Americans? Made them slaves!!!
Diego Rivera mural in Mexico City
Why did the Spanish and Portuguese need a new labor source? Native Americans died from disease, overwork or ran away
#6. Why did the Spanish begin to import African slaves? immune to their disease no family or friends to escape to experience in farming cheap source of permanent labor
#7. What was the “middle passage”? Leg of the triangular trade route that shipped slaves ships from Africa to America
#8. What was the Columbian Exchange? Transfer of plants, animals and diseases between hemispheres Western Hemisphere Eastern Hemisphere
What were the positive and negative effects of the Columbian Exchange? Positive- plants and animals America got : cows, pigs, horses, sheep grapes, onion, wheat Europe got : potatoes, corn, peanuts Negative – transfer of germs! diseases such as smallpox, measles & malaria killed an estimated 20 million Native American