Sequential Inference for Evolving Groups of Objects 이범진 Biointelligence Lab Seoul National University
What are we going to do? Think about dynamically evolving groups of objects Ex) flocks of birds Schools of fish Group of aircraft
However... Difficulties on this research 1. recognizing groups are hard 2. incorporating new members into the groups, Ex) splitting and merging of groups How many groups? Merging Spliting
Proposed solution Implementation rule 1. Targets themselves are dynamic 2. Targets’ grouping can change overtime 3. Assignment of a target to a group affects the probabilistic properties of the target dynamics 4. Group statistics belong to a second hidden layer, target statistics belong to the first hidden layer and the observation process usually depends only on the targets 5. Number of targets is typically unknown
Framework (1) Dynamic group tracking model G1G1 X1X1 Z1Z1 G2G2 X2X2 Z2Z2 GtGt XtXt ZtZt G t+1 X t+1 Z t+1
Framework (2) Main components of the group tracking model 1. group dynamical model : Describes motion of members in a group 2. group structure transition model Describes the way the group membership or group matic states X t Markovian assumption
How do we inference? Proposed MCMC-particle algorithm
Why is it better!? No resampling is required Particle filters use MCMC to rejuvenate degenerate samples after resampling Less computationally intensive than the MCMC- based particle filter Because avoids numerical integration of the predictive density at every MCMC iteration Consider the general joint distribution of S t and S t-1
How good is it?
Framework (2) Main components of the group tracking model 1. group dynamical model : Describes motion of members in a group 2. group structure transition model Describes the way the group membership or group matic states X t Markovian assumption
Experiments(1) Ground target tracking For group dynamical model(with repulsive force, virtual leader) Use stochastic differential equations (SDEs) and Itô stochastic calculus –Using velocity, position, acceleration, restoring force, etc. For state-dependent group structure transition model For observation model Using single discretized sensor model which scans a fixed rectangular region, and track-before-detect approach(TBD) otherwise
Experiments(1) result MCMC-particles algorithm is used to detect and track the group targets N burn = 1000 iteration for burn-in
Experiments(1) result cont.
Experiments(2) cont.
Experiments(2) result MCMC-particles algorithm is used to inference {G t, π t } These models can identify groupings of stock based only on their stock price behaviour
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