Environment, Safety and Health Steve Hoey, ESH Manager NSLS-II Project Advisory Committee Meeting February 8-9 2011
Outline Progress since December 2009 Baseline Risks Scope, Staffing Progress since December 2009 Design/Radiation safety, Operations, Authorization Basis, Construction Risks Project Safety Record Recommendation Status Look Ahead FY11 Goals Issues Conclusions
ESH Scope ESH Support for: Design Operations Construction Conventional Facilities Accelerator Systems Experimental Systems Operations Experimental Facilities Experimental Reviews Construction Ring Building LOB’s Authorization Basis Safety Assessment Documents Accelerator Safety Envelopes BORE, Equipment Readiness Reviews, ARR’s
ESH Program Responsibilities Experiment safety review Work planning support Emergency planning Environmental management Hazardous waste management Industrial hygiene Industrial safety Radiation safety ESH Facility & Equipment Design Safety system configuration control Self-assessment Risk assessment Interlock testing (radiation and laser) Tier I inspections Compliance audits Training development Document control Readiness Reviews Construction Safety
Environment, Safety and Health Organization Manager – S. Hoey Deputy – A. Ackerman Construction Safety Lead K. Krasner ESH Design & Commissioning Lead S. Hoey ESH Operations Manager A. Ackerman Laboratory Support Radiation Control F. Zafonte F. Flannigan Industrial Hygiene C. Weilandics Environmental Compliance D. Bauer Construction T. Conrad Readiness Review R. Travis ESH Coordinator L. Stiegler G. Wilson EWH T. Anschutz Radiation Physics P. K. Job Torcon K. Krasner Health Physics W. R. Casey ESH Engineer K. Klaus Readiness Evaluation B. Heneveld Safety Officer B. Chmiel Authorization Basis N. Gmur Safety Engineer T. McDonald COMMITTEES ALARA Committee Beam line Review Committee EMS/OHSAS Committee ES&H Committee ES&H Improvement Committee Interlock Working Group Review Committee PS Directorate Safety Committee ESH Assurance M. Buckley C. Nielson
Institutional ESH Related Support Resources from the Lab ESH and Support Organizations are needed to support the following phases; Ongoing “design review” activities Ongoing operations & construction support (NSLS and NSLS-II) BORE’s Equipment/instrument readiness reviews Authorization Basis documentation development & review ARR’s Commissioning Beam line development & commissioning NSLS-II operations Decommissioning - 725 Transition to Ops
Progress - Radiation Safety Workshop June 22-23, 2010 (third workshop) Participants – ALS, APS, SSRL, ESRF Chaired by Paul Berkvens Outcome: Followed up on recommendations made at previous workshops (3/07 & 4/08) all prior recommendations closed, (15 from this workshop) Provided feedback and lessons learned on workshop topical areas, beam line installation and accelerator commissioning Received Committee’s concurrence that strategies for radiation safety for NSLS-II are sound and moving in the right direction “The committee is highly impressed with the progress that has been made to-date in working and resolving radiation safety issues for design and commissioning of NSLS-II since the last workshop”
Progress - Area Monitors Locations for area monitors have been planned for Linac, Booster, Storage Ring and beam enclosures (~60 units) Area monitors will provide warnings locally and in control room and be interlocked to injection through PPS for high alarms Monitors from 3 prospective vendors have been purchased, installed and tested at NSLS for. Testing included: Comparison between units Determine response to short pulse length radiation during injection Evaluate long term stability of detector and reliability of unit Permit better specification of units for final procurement Two phase procurement: 3 units procured Fall 2010 for Linac commissioning Additional 52 units procured Spring 2011 for Booster and Storage Ring commissioning (award April 2011) Mirion, Apantec, HPI
Progress - ESH Operations NSLS ESH Operations and NSLS-II Operations are now combined Includes significant footprint increase (research and development, assembly areas) 725 – NSLS – 162,156 ft2 (Exp floor = 123,644 ft2) 726 – NSLS - Mechanical Tech Support 3519 ft2 727 – NSLS – Mech/Magnet Measurement 3519 ft2 729 - NSLS Source Development Lab – 8018 ft2 902/905 – Magnet test and assembly, vacuum – 22,690 ft2 703 – Experimental Facilities Division, 9 new labs – 7,360 ft2 945 – Vacuum lab – 4,068 ft2 832 – RF development, magnetic measurement – 7,895 ft2 820 – Front Ends Diagnostics – 5,700 ft2 Risk well understood & Controlled – lab work, mechanical Assembly, chemicals, haz waste etc. Work processes covered by 24 Project Safety Review Forms (PSRF’s) fully implemented
Progress - Construction Safety Contractor performing better than industry average Many programmatic enhancements & best practices; Increased use and detail of PHA’s Increased communications – daily ESH planning mtgs; weekly ESH Mgmt mtgs; monthly ESH group mtgs, schedule and coordination mtgs with ESH. Modified Safety Incentive – workers receive 90% On site medical provider – NYS trained EMT’s Drug screening, pre-employment and post-incident/cause Construction safety assessment – contractor and NSLS-II
Progress-Transition from Construction Laboratory Beneficial Occupancy Readiness Review process will be used Officially turns over sections of facility to allow machine installation Specific NSLS-II BORE Plan in place that; Defines scope Establishes schedule Identifies resources Baseline BORE’s start Feb 2011 and go through June 2012 total of 10 BORES to match construction phases Pre-BORE’s started Nov 1, 2010 (phase walk downs)
Risk Analysis & Management Category Description Risk Ranking Management ESH Construction Minor or major injury or mishap, conventional construction, R&D Ops through technical equipment installation, Prime contractor coordination Medium ESH Construction Plan (HASP); Contractor Pre-qualification; Safety Incentive; Dedicated CSE’s, contractor qualification; work planning & control; communications ESH Design Major change driven by ESH design Oversight or changing regulation (ring bldg and tech equipment) Low (Reduced from Medium) Formal Design Reviews; SME input; Extensive use of Lessons Learned ESH Site Prep-excavation Legacy contamination identified during excavation, protected species impacting construction Retired Extensive site evaluation; Monitoring of protected species Authorization Basis Impacts Possibility of DOE Order 420.2B “Safety of Accelerator Facilities” being rescinded and replaced by more stringent nuclear stds Active participation in ASO working group and gap analysis The ESH risks from the NSLS-II risk registry are all binned into three categories. Design risk is open through commissioning (major after 100% complete), >500k 2-3 months Site prep – complete when all site work and excavation is complete, then retired (20-30k/cleanup overall cost impact 250-500k and 1-2 months Construction is highest risk includes technical equipment installation and gets retired when that is complete, 3-4 million (fatality) 3-4 months
Injury Summary Operations: 3/10/09 Recordable – Technician infection from splinter Construction: 7/16/09 Recordable – sub-contractor moving conduit chipped tooth 9/30/09 DART – sub-contractor broken leg from rebar impact 2/22/10 Recordable – sub-contractor fractured finger tip 4/22/10 Recordable – sub-contractor cut leg with hammer claw 7/26/10 DART – sub-contractor cut palms moving decking 10/21/10 DART – sub-contactor pulled back muscle
Project Safety Record (through December 2010) Hours Worked Recordable Cases Recordable Rate Recordable TARGET DOE (Gen Ind) DART Cases Dart Rate DART TARGET DOE (Gen Ind) NSLS-II Staff pre FY09 341,100 .65 .25 NSLS-II Staff FY09 320,396 1 .62 NSLS-II Staff FY10 432,272 NSLS-II Staff FY11 to date 107,800 NSLS-II Staff Cumulative 1,201,568 .17 Contractors FY 09 60,208 2 6.64 1.8 (4.7) 3.32 .6 (2.5) Contractors FY10 331,424 3 1.81 .60 Contractors FY11 to date 112,411 1.8 Contractors Cumulative 504,042 6 2.38 1.19 Total Project to Date Cumulative 1,705,610 7 .82 .35 DART’s also count as TRC’s for rate calculations
Recommendation Status Continue to evaluate and improve oversight of contractors and subcontractors and their contractor and subcontractor ES&H programs. Closed The project should begin planning now for the required safety readiness reviews (internal) for beam line commissioning. Closed (will cover in later presentation) The renegotiation of the safety incentive on the ring building should be completed. Closed New safety incentive should be included in the LOB procurement. Closed
FY11 Goals Development of the Linac and Booster Commissioning SAD’s, ASE’s and supporting documentation Coordinate the BORE’s for transition to construction and manage findings Develop acceptance and readiness processes for equipment installation Provide ESH support for the radiological safety design of beam lines; design of the supplementary shielding; Personal Protection and Equipment Protection systems Finalize area monitor testing/selection and initiate procurement Maintain improving trend in construction contractor(s) performance and quickly bring the new prime up to a best in class level
Issues Increase in number of beam lines (and BL reviews) Coordination of prime construction contractors (Torcon & EWH) will need consistency of ESH implementation Laboratory resources to support Transition to Operations will need to be managed Increase in number of beam lines (and BL reviews)
Summary ESH Program is well defined and documented ESH Staff is well qualified and in place Performance metrics are trending positively Early deficiencies in construction safety program implementation have been addressed and processes are in place to move forward safely with minimum risk On track with authorization basis process including BORE, SAD’s and ASE’s Program is continually improving & incorporating Lessons Learned