IVAN THE TERRIBLE -Hated nobles-repressed them -champion for the poor First Russian Tsar -Modernized country -Revised law code -
Oprichniki- secret police -Execution -Confiscation of lands
LEGACY - Expanded Russia’s borders -small medieval state- billion acre empire -Military
ELIZABETH “greatest monarch of England?” -English renaissance (increase literacy) -Acquired land overseas (age of expoloration) -good and wise ruler -defeated Spanish Armada
CHARLES I imposed taxes on his own (without parliament) Tried to create uniform religion Created civil war when he arrested his political opponents Publicly beheaded
PETER THE GREAT -created strong navy -Admired the West (France, England) -acquired territory (Latvia, Finland, Sweden) -est. St. Petersburg -high taxes- led to revolts -all classes of society- serve the state -women were not excluded from public life -started schools, changed alphabet.