Test the Organisation West Lindsey District Council Nicoya Palastanga Employment and Skills Project Manager
What was it? A minute numeracy test that focused on the use of maths in everyday life. The test was designed to see the current maths skills of staff and get a realistic assessment of the skills levels across the Council. Held on March 18th and 19th 2010
Why were people encouraged to take part? Recently promoted personnel may need to brush up on their skills. Non-qualified employees may not feel confident enough to ask for help Employees may need to brush up on seldom-used skills. Qualified employees may have higher level qualifications but still need help with literacy and numeracy at work, as they may have achieved their qualifications some time ago.
Confidentiality: The results of the test were completely confidential. The only people who saw the results were the person taking the test and a trained skills adviser. The adviser gave feedback to the individuals and referred them to training if they wished. The advisers only passed on information to the organisation about the overall skills levels.
What was in it for the staff? Anyone identified as having qualification at or below level 2 was offered access to a training course, with time off work to attend. A prize draw was offered through Unionlearn- £50 for the department with the greatest number of participants. A prize draw for all participants for High Street vouchers, Individual prizes of 4 x £25 and 10 x £10.
What happened? Tests held over 3 hour period at Guildhall, followed by after shift session at Gainsborough Depot and pre-shift session at Market Rasen Depot at 6.30am! 2 different tests were available to identify a range of levels 69 took the tests Results L3 – 28, L2 – 13, <L2 – 28
What next? Referral to training Intensive 2 day course Learn Direct on line with support at local centre College course at set time over a term. 6 members of staff have achieved a level 2 qualification Others still following the online course at their own pace
And now……….. Extend the project to private sector employers Test delivered to managers at Gainsborough Business Breakfast Identify employers within Gainsborough area Funding provided by Skills Funding Agency