2 Achievements: Enterprise development: Tourism Poverty Relief: 134 SMMEs were created 429 SMMEs were used Tourism Enterprise Programme 233 transactions concluded 163 HDE transactions concluded 222 enterprises currently in transactions 153 HDEs currently in transactions Contributed approximately R to facilitate “Proudly South African”accreditation for 637 craft enterprises ITMAS: 172 enterprises were assisted to attend Indaba 2003, at a cost of approximately R 1 million 11 enterprises were assisted to attend WTM and 5 for ITB Funding handbook developed and launched by the Minister at Indaba 2003 Preliminary database of black-owned tourism enterprises has been developed for procurement purposes 1057 tourism establishments have been graded
3 Achievements: Human resource development: Workshops in hospitality, travel and tourism conducted in 501 schools nationally ± R 107 million INTAC project, focusing on conservation training, is being implemented jointly with THETA 20 students are in Germany for training, as part of Amathuba volunteers trained for WSSD Tourism planning: Integrated regional tourism development plans have been developed for Great Limpopo, !Ai!Ais Richtersveld and Mapungubwe TFCAs Coast-2-Coast has been launched OUZIT has been adopted as SADC’s tourism NEPAD project Responsible Tourism Guidelines launched by the Minister at Indaba 2002 National Tourism Development Plan consultants have commenced work International engagement: ADS with China has been signed 9 th country to ratify SADC Tourism Protocol, thus bringing it into effect in November 2002 Cabinet approved WTO’s Global Code of Ethics in tourism Tourism in NEPAD working document: 2002 Awareness creation: Tourism unblocking: Workplans developed and implemented with various government departments Vibrant domestic tourism strategies and campaigns undertaken culminating in World Tourism Day being celebrated in North West Province on 27 September
5 Strategic objective 1: Implement a strategy for tourism growth which aligns the activities of government and industry Key outputs/deliverables: supporting the Tourism Growth Strategy through: Increased annual volume of international tourists visiting the country Increased amount of money tourists spend during their time in South Africa Increased length of time that tourists stay in South Africa Improved geographic spread so that all nine provinces receive an equitable share of tourism Improved seasonality patterns Business plan priorities: Summary of plan to deliver: Detailed analysis of the market segments of the tourism Growth Strategy and the development of a profile of the products required to service the needs of each market segment Quality assurance in respect of existing and new tourism products Use of missions and bilateral and multilateral tourism agreements to promote the Growth Strategy Strategic objective 2: Create a supportive and enabling environment for investment, transformation and empowerment in tourism Key outputs/deliverables: Increased tourism foreign direct investment, and geographical spread of investment across all nine provinces Summary of plan to deliver: Based on the Growth Strategy conduct product development needs analysis, select at least four key product areas and engage entrepreneurs, provinces, public sector investment instruments and investors to develop these products
6 Business plan priorities: Strategic objective 2 (continued): Create a supportive and enabling environment for investment, transformation and empowerment in tourism Key outputs/deliverables: Job creation and growing BEE Summary of plan to deliver: Provide, through the Tourism Enterprise Programme (TEP), a R 4 million package of tourism enterprise support services focused on poverty relief tourism products, tourism priority areas, including townships and rural areas and heritage sites Development of a transformation and empowerment index Development of a tool to monitor and track government procurement from black tourism enterprises. Development of a proposal to sustain TEP beyond July 2004 Updating of the funding handbook and development of a business support handbook Human resource training and development interventions as the need arises Strategic objective 2 (continued): Create a supportive and enabling environment for investment, transformation and empowerment in tourism Key outputs/deliverables: Coordinated public infrastructure in key tourism icons and areas Summary of plan to deliver: Identify key tourism priority areas for public infrastructure investment, and quantify requirements Based on the above analysis, engage with DEAT branches to agree percentage of their respective poverty relief budgets for allocation to tourism priority areas Lead engagement with appropriate government departments and provinces to invest in the identified priority tourism areas
7 Business plan priorities: Strategic objective 3: Provide information and monitor trends and growth patterns in areas that require development in tourism Key outputs/deliverables: Analyse and monitor monthly visitor arrivals Analyse and monitor domestic tourism trends Ongoing monitoring of the economic impacts of tourism Summary of plan to deliver: Analysis of arrivals data received from SA Tourism Work with South African Tourism to undertake the Domestic Tourism Survey for 2003 – 2004 Development of the Tourism Satellite Account jointly with SA Tourism, StatsSA, SARB Strategic objective 4: Building South Africa as a tourism nation Key outputs/deliverables: Promotion of domestic tourism into the townships and rural areas Popularise heritage sites in South Africa as tourist destinations Tourism awareness creation Summary of plan to deliver: Development of a domestic tourism action plan to promote domestic tourism to townships, tourism icons, and heritage sites Development of an enhanced Welcome Campaign. Annual survey to monitor tourism awareness and the Welcome Campaign
8 Business plan priorities: Strategic objective 5: Set standards and assure a world class tourism product Key outputs/deliverables: Establishment of a single, autonomous grading system for South Africa Summary of plan to deliver: Jointly with the Grading Council, develop and agree a clear set of grading targets Develop and implement an action plan, jointly with the Department of Labour, Grading Council and THETA to expedite, the development and transformation of human resources in the tourism field Leverage business linkages in support of trained and registered tourist guides, assessors and tour operators Strategic objective 6: Promote a sustainable tourism development agenda Key outputs/deliverables: Lead South Africa ’ s engagement in the tourism components of NEPAD Summary of plan to deliver: Support the development of RETOSA as an effective and efficient regional tourism marketing structure Enhanced participate in the programmes of international tourism organisations
9 THANK YOU Copyright: SA Tourism