Williamsburg, Virginia Lincoln Hall P5
History Area originally inside lands of Powhatan Confederacy Settled by English in 1638 (originally named Middle Plantation) In the dead center of Virginia Peninsula In between James & York rivers, with easy access to both Built on higher grounds with ground sloping to meet both rivers Easy to defend: palisade wall built across peninsula Troops stationed to defend it Used as temporary state capital in 1676, became official state capital in 1699 Renamed Williamsburg in honor of King William III of England
Political Structure As of 1699, served as capital for Virginia House of Burgesses and Governor both controlled based in city Wealthy landowners, clergymen, and officials from England Served as headquarters for church in Virginia, under Commissary James Blair, the highest-ranking clergyman in Virginia. Residence of Bishop (appointed by London), who was the head of all clergymen in Virginia Site of Church College, College of William and Mary
Rights Labor Challenges Colonists had own “Parliament” House of Burgeses Could pass own laws The appointed members of the Council of State served as the "upper" house, and the elected members served as the "lower" House of Burgesses. Laws had to be approved by the governor-general, the Council of State, and the House of Burgesses after before becoming official Labor was delegated to 1,000 African slaves, who made up over half of the cities population Worked in every field, from blacksmithing to farming “Handed Down” as part of will, split amongst heirs Average slaves per household: 10
Type Of Settlement Constructed originally as Farming/Lumber/military settlement Garrison there served as first response should palisade wall built across peninsula be breached Became administrative settlement for state Developed into educational center with creation of William & Mary university (see slide 3) Religious: Bishop of Virginia stationed there Medical: first psychiatric hospital in America
Economy Before 1699: Agricultural/Resource based Plantations and farms After 1699: Wig making, Coopers, Printers/Binders Entrepreneurs set up in city, change towards more production based economy